Owner Pose
Jimmy Hudson     Many of the people at Xavier's were paying attention to the news.
    elevisions in the rec room and the living areas were tuned to various news agencies trying to get some insight on the events and the evacuation. A lot o conjecture was going on, many people were talking or calling relatives and friends. It was a stressful time. And the teachers there were doing their best to keep everyone on an even keel, which...took some effort.
    It wasn't until the middle of the day on Monday when the last class was letting out and the students were heading out of the gym to go change and then get ready for dinner. Most of them would likely head to watch the televisions, however.
    James Hudson, however? He ended up sitting on the lowest seat of the bleachers in the gym and took a moment to stare at his phone as his thoughts left the here and now. To that number displayed on the screen. It was an awkward situation. They had met and talked just once. And it was a lovely meeting. And he intended to text her today. Right about this time even.
    Only now? With all the crazy?
    Should he still?
    Would it even be welcome?
    Would he come off as weird?
    It's a hard thing to know. And an even harder thing to come up with the right words. Until finally he started typing.

<< Hey, Veira. It's Jimmy. >>
<< Hope you're doing ok. A little worried. Let me know if you need anything.>>

    After he sent that he looked at the messages. Frowned at the last few words. Did that come off as needy? Or too forward. Eventually he crinkled his nose and put the phone away. Trying to forget about it for now.
Veira de Wit Veira felt like she was drowning in everything that was coming out. She was getting calls from Homeland Security on top of her work with SHIELD. There was a lot to do and a very short timespan to do it. She'd managed to take a few moments to get to her desk in WAND's level and sit down. Her head is laid down on the desk before she feels her phone buzz again. There is a tired groan as she feels it's another work thing.

The phone is brought forth from her pocket and laid on the desk in front of her, the name makes her straighten a bit though as she realizes it's not a work thing. It's Jimmy.

<<Hey, Jimmy. I'm doing okay for the moment. I appreciate you checking in.>>
<<Are you doing okay? I'm neck deep in helping with evac plans, but I was going to text later to see how you and your kiddos were doing.>>
Jimmy Hudson << I thought you might be. I just wanted to... say hey. Said I would and I'm a man of his word. >>
    Which is sent and then a few moments are spaced between the next.

<< Everyone here at the school is pretty weirded out. We're a boarding school so a lot of kids calling their parents and we're trying to give them stability. Some people want to help. But telling them the best thing they can do is stay off the road. >>
Veira de Wit Veira had smiled at that text and it made her ponder how to respond. <<I would have completely understood why you didn't text for a bit. You've got students and others to take care of right now.>> she had replied.

She reads the next text that comes in, her lips tugging into a frown at the news of kids being weirded out. It was hard for them probably. <<I'm sorry they're having to go through this. The best thing for them to do is to let all of this pass. No one going out to try to see what's going on. Just using caution and common sense will get them through a lot.>> she texts him.
Jimmy Hudson << Well, it's a kindness to talk about it with someone. Even if we only had a chance to bond over our mutual fascination with weird dragon imagery. >>

    A small smile touched James' lips after that, but then he reread her second text a few times, lifting his eyes up to the lights in the ceiling of the gym. His thoughts wandered as he shook his head. Then he looked back down and lightly tapped out his reply.

<< Yeah. We're advising caution and distracting everyone with extra activities. That part's easy for me, I just send everyone to run laps. This being a teacher thing is easy. >>

<< But hey. >>

<< Be safe, alright? >>
Veira de Wit Veira was feeling like this was Loki's attack on New York all over again and it was sparking some anxiety. But she wasn't going to let that ruin a conversation with a new friend. <<I'm going to be working some crazy hours until this is over, but I am here if you need to talk or even need to ask some advice.>>

<<I hated running laps in school, but if it distracts them it's a good plan.>>

His asking her to be safe made her feel a little sad, but in the moment she was probably overly emotional.

<<I promise I'll be safe, Jimmy.>>
<<And Jimmy, if you need anything or something goes wrong up there please let me know and I'll do my best to help out.>>
Jimmy Hudson << We'll be fine. You take care. >> And for now that's the last message he sends.