Owner Pose
Heather Danielson     It's been one of those weeks. Heather had been working with her agency to find charitable causes she can help. There was a soup kitchen that had been running out of money, and lacking in volunteers. Why? Well, someone has been trying to clear that area out so that they could use the building as an HQ for criminal operations. It was out of the way, run down... damn near invisible in Metropolis.

    But of course, all of that is at risk now, since Ms. Danielson donated about a hundred thousand dollars for food and other supplies, and managed to organize some volunteers to go help the place out. Today, it's her turn and she parks her little blue car nearby before stepping out of said car and strolling towards the soup kitchen in her civilian clothing, boppin' along with earbuds in and music playing in her ears.
Shredder     It's not always the easiest to steal large amounts of money these days, but where there's a will there's a way. The Foot Clan was poised to take control of this spot, but with so much attention on it, that makes it more difficult. The four assassins are perched atop the building. If you can't steal the money, scare off the volunteers. Death is a good thing to scare people off. They hop down the building expertly. and the team of gray and red clad figures bear their claws, making them look almost like otherworldly aliens. Heather has put herself in the way, and she hasn't even kept her earbuds out? They start to move in, but they don't strike immediately, waiting, it seems, for her to actually enter the soup kitchen.
Heather Danielson     Indeed, Heather has no idea they are there. Ninjas are sneaky after all. She's not a trained spy. She's a supermodel turned superhero. At least she's pretty, right?

    Okay, so that's beside the point. She literally combo dance / walks along, hips shaking to the rhythm of her music. I mean it's classic 70's rock because her Daddy listens to that and she loves it. More than a Feeling by Boston is the current song as she reaches for the door to the kitchen, opening it and stepping inside.
Shredder     Ninjas don't play fair. That's why they're ninjas. As the door is passed through, the four burst forth, brandishing those claws as the leader leaps through after her. The objective is for there not to be a fight, really. A murder that no one saw coming. And what better target than a high profile superhero/model?

    Claws extended, the first assassin leaps with blades on 8 fingers, around 12 inches each, looking to impale the unsuspecting do-gooder right in the back.
Heather Danielson     Impalement that happens. It catches Heather off guard. Her breathing hitches, and the pain registers. Yes, she heals fast but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

    After a half second pause, she mutters, "Ow!" as she looks down to see the blades poking out through the fabric of her halter top. She -loves- that top. Loved more like... as the two blades that managed to pass all the way through her torso have put blade-holes in the top.

    She closes her eyes a sec, and then almost casually.. she reaches up to pluck the earbuds from her ears. She somehow is able to take a breath, and then she says, "That hurts.." as she steps forward, trying to slide off of the blades.. and by the time she's gotten a foot or so off of them, the lungs are at least inflated again.

    Blood seeps from her lips and she turns to glare at her attacker. "Wow, really? I thought you guys were like.. myths." she adds.
Shredder     The wiry figure regards her as she takes the 'should be' mortal injury in stride. Behind this one, another darts inward, though he or she seems to be making a move to get past Heather rather than attack her. After all, there are multiple targets in this building. Rather than just stand there idly, though, the voiceless figure attacks again, slashing lower this time at her calf. An achilles tendon, the figure reckons, might be more trouble than help if it heals too quickly. So much for conversation.
Heather Danielson     Okay. So it's time to stop worrying about making a mess. Far better to make a mess than to let people get hurt. "Hold it!" she calls out at the one trying to get past her. She grabs a nearby table.. one of those square things with the weighted bottom you see in hotel lobbies and the like. She turns and hurls it at the passing attacker even as she gets stabbed in the back of the calf.

    The slice works. I mean come on. Ninja are quick and accurate. And she tumbles to the floor as her weight was on that foot. "Seriously?!" she calls out as she does a push up, getting up to her -other- foot as she waits for the tendon to heal. "Do you have any idea how annoying this is?" she asks, blood pooling about on the ground beneath her.
Shredder     The second ninja takes the table to the side, slamming against the kitchen wall and...well a blow from a strength like that seems enough to put one out of action. He's not unconscious, but it's clear that his arm is not in the same shape that it was a moment ago.

    "Heather Danielson," the first ninja says. "You are not welcome in this area. Take your volunteers and leave, or else you shall need to deal with far more severe consequences. That's a female voice behind the mask. Behind her, the last two enter, posting up behind her on either side. You know, like bowling pins.
Heather Danielson     Her heel now healed.. yes that is a mouthful.. Heather puts her right foot down and rolls her ankle to test it. "Really now." she states. But she is backing towards the kitchen as she calls out, "Everyone in back, secure yourselves in the walk-in fridge! I'll make sure you get out safely!" even as she posts herself in the single doorway leading back there.

    "Seems to me that the people like me being here. Who are you to claim that you have -any- authority over me?" she asks as she lifts her hands into a fighting position. It's like.. the most basic Karate stance -ever-. She obviously only has the most basic of training.
Shredder     "We are not hear to discuss, simply deliver the message," the woman's voice answers. She tilts her head to one side, and behind the fully face-concealing mask, it may look a little eerie. She leaps into the air, as if to fly over Heather's head, but then comes back down in a brash attack forward, while one of the two behind her pulls something from his sash. A small black orb the size of a golf ball, bigger than a smoke pellet, is chucked toward Heather's legs, and will roll past her if allowed.
Heather Danielson     Now expecting an attack, Heather's own preparation works against her. She finds herself responding to the leaping assault, and doesn't see the little balls until it's a bit too late. She braces for the impact of the attacker, and then after that she curses under her breath.

    She's forced to just ignore the 'attack' to her person. To suck it up as she turns to try to leap upon whatever those black ball thingees might be. She can't afford to let them by her if they are explosives.