Owner Pose
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie is down in the kitchen this morning. He has spent the precious night here in the mansion, and woke up a bit early. So after a bit of a work out and shower, he finds himself down in the kitchen cooking breakfast. With the amount of kids Ma Guthrie had all the kids had to lend a hand cooking now, and again, and Sam is using those skills this morning. He has a couple trays of fresh biscuits cooking, and has fried up some eggs and sausages, working on some gravy to go with the biscuits. He sings softly to himself a bit off key one of Lila's songs, that is playing on his tablet nearby.
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie is around in the morning. Technically sdtill taking some classes, she still has a schedule to keep. But having just gotten up, she's in a huge t-shirt, comfy sweats, and thick pink socks. "Sam," she laughs with a yawn as she comes in. "Up early?"
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Hey you." He reaches to turn the music down. "Yea, woke up early and could not go back to sleep, so thought I would make some food for those who made it down early." He offers her a smile, and says "So, what you got planned for today?"
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie shrugs, which turns into a stretch, throwing her arms up as she pads over to see what's being baked. She takes a plate, some sausage, a bacon, and grabs a just-finished biscuit with a fork. "Thanks. Just go to classes. I don't even know anymore, Sam. You have everything together. I don't."
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie looks over to her, and says "Butter is still in the fridge if you want to butter a couple of those biscuits. " He tells her, and is stirring the gravy after just a bit it is done setting it on a pan holder. "Ah don't know if I have it all together, more like Ah appear to, since Alexis is getting all her ducks in a row or at least trying to with getting this set apart from her dad's stuff."
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie grins and goes over to the fridge, getting out some butter to go with it. Eating as she goes. "You're going to a real school. You're getting a place to live. Y ou're doing all the right things, even if you're just pretending to have it together." she laughs, then moving on to get some milk.
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie smiles and starts dishing himself some food up, and says "Well you know if your ever in Little Italy when the whole current uproar is over you can come by we do have a spare room." He tells her. Yea Sam still watches over his siblings. He gets himself some sweet tea to go with his breakfast. "Mind you, might have to listen to Alexis and me, argue over what's real tea." He smiles a bit "It is a running thing with us, with her having spent more time with hot Tea, and all. " Once he sits down looks over to her "So, thought about what you might want to major in yet?"
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie laughs. "Thank you. I have a feeling that us living together would be more stressful om both of us, than me staying here even. I just don' tknow what to do. At all." She grabs a place to sit.
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie grins a bit and says "Well, Ah was thinking more visit." He teases her a bit, and says "Well, you always been good with people, maybe some of the social sciences?" He offers as he starts to eat talking between bites.
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie nods. "Oh yeah, visit? I can do that." She eats some. "Social science? Hmm. I just worry that it might be hard to get a job in that sort of thing, for reasons."
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Well am sure you could get a job with the school here, but also, a lot of other spots. Heck there is that psychiatrist with green hair, and then there is the whole unless you tell someone, they aint going to know your a mutant or anything."
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie thinks a moment, and sighs. "I just don't even know. The world isn't ready for us, but it feels... lazy... just to keep sitting around here taking classes. But what else is there?"
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, Ma wants, and Pa would have wanted you to get a college degree, you remember how hyped they were when I was going to get that original scholarship. Mind you if you feel like you need to do something else, you can always do like Ah did for a while deliver pizzas." He smiles a bit at her.
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie bites her lip, reminded of that. "Yeah." She takes a deep breath, picking at the sausage a moment, before taking another bite. "I'm just stuck in a rut. Taking classes, going down to the city. Was toying with looking at acting. That feels like something I could do."
Sam Guthrie Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Well if you want to get into it, anything Ah can do let me know. Ah'm sure we know someone who knows someone might be able to give you a hint on where to go or start. Ah am just not sure who to talk to off the top of my head.
Paige Guthrie Paige Guthrie takes a long drink of milk, and shrugs. "Thank you Sam. But maybe you're right. Maybe I should go get a real degree." She gets up and goes to give him a hug from behind.