Spider-Ham scheduled,
On 2024-04-01 at 2024-04-01:23:00:00
Hamming It Up: Crossover Chaos!

It's April Fools, and that means for your Porker, the Spectactular Spider-Ham shall once again be running something out of the ordinary! Here in this realm of chaos and nuttiness there shall come some.. Less than useful heroes! Or villains. In a world where a mafia kingpin with a chair for a head seeks to carve his name on the moon, an eclectic (and often idiotic) band of strange, erstaz types shall do more than their usual level of cameos to lend a (mostly if not entirely) helping hand! Be there for appearances of (among possibly others); the Amazing Zoo Crew! The Big Blue Tick And Arthur! The alter ego of one crazed computer ace put down on the Internet! Be ready for wackiness, come without a brain, and be ready to cry, sob, and be happy that this is a fevered dream brought along by Hypertime and the GM being way too hammed up to play it straight! Come and add your craziness as let's do something so dumb even Mojo will decline!