Julio Richter scheduled,
On 2024-04-03 at 2024-04-03:01:00:00
The Tower, Inverted

There's this stone building, no windows and only one set of doors. Used to be about ten stories tall. Plopped in the middle of Anytown USA. They say it was owned by a lodge, but they say that in a way that your expected to think Free Masons, or Elks, or Shriners. Something benign, bunch of old men with tarnished metals, swapping stories about the good old days. They don't expect you to ask which kind of lodge, because they don't want to answer. If they know its because maybe they were told to stay away from it. Or because they had a grandpa who was a member for a little while, and he fed them enough bullshit to make them suspicious. They dont tell you that the one time anyone came out of that place that they heard about was back in the 50's. The guy looked ok but every day he lost more of his memory, and his ability to make memories, until each day he woke up and didnt know where he was, or who he was. They don't tell you that they locked the guy up in a mental hospital until, and there he stayed until JFK became president. Then in 63 JFK signed the community mental health act, and all those hospitals closed down, let out. This guy got put out on the street, someone you might have met with a hand out, begging for change until he died from exposure or disease, or from the secret he was carrying. Maybe that building I told you about, its in one of those lost towns. Times Beach, Love Canal, Centralia. One of those places where something bad happened. People packed up, moved away. The ones who stayed on got lost to the ravages of time and neglect. Eventually the lawns grow up, fill with weeds, cant really see the houses from the road any more. No one around for upkeep, even to mend the clearly marked signs on the blockades that say "Do not enter." or "Town closed." or "Danger, Dioxin.". The trees grow in fast, cover the place from above. You fly over, you'd never known there was a town there, a place with people hoping for a better life until they scattered like roaches. Maybe if your a geomancer, its a place you can dream about. Not a good dream though, a kind of dream that stalks you when you sleep. Something in that place reaching out to a kid who thinks and speaks and dreams in earth and stone. He tries to make it go away, tell someone about it when he wakes, but dreams they dont translate so well. All understanding leaves when he wakes, he feels slack jawed trying to tell someone. Like an idiot. He can't make them understand how maybe, he saw something, and it scared him. Now the building is sunk into the earth, nine stories down, the parking deck next to it to. A localized earthquake, a freak seismic event. But somethings still in there, something bad, something screaming out into the night like a wounded animal. "I...I..." Julio Richter stammered, "I need you help."