Scott Summers scheduled,
On 2024-04-06 at 2024-04-06:00:30:00
HUNGER: Fetch Quest

c+xterm0.c/ c#BE69FFHc/ c#B392FFUc/ c#A8BCFFNc/ c#A8BCFFGc/ c#B392FFEc/ c#BE69FFRc/ c#A3D1FF"Collectible Cruelty"c/ c#BE69FFPART II:c/ c#A3D1FFFetch Questc/ c#BE69FFSYNOPSIS:c/ The X-Men have struck a deal with the amoral entity known as 'the Collector' - in exchange for leaving their friend Howard alone, they need to travel to a strange, dead star in search of an item thought lost to the aeons. c#BE69FFWHERE:c/ First World, The Empty Stars c#BE69FFDANGER LEVEL:c/ Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost World c#BE69FFNOTES:c/ The c+xterm221X-Menc/ and those with clearance to join them on Missions have first dibs. You don't need to have been involved in the previous scenes to join. If you weren't involved previously, hit me up before signing on so we can concoct a reason for you coming along. Please use chc+scene/tagc/ so I can have a rough idea of who is coming. c+xterm0.c/