Easter Egg Hunt Of Doom

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Easter Egg Hunt Of Doom
Date of Cutscene: 31 March 2024
Location: Central Park New York City
Synopsis: Frank defeats Order, Chaos and Jarvi in an explosive plot finish
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble
Tinyplot: Third Time's the Charm


It was too early for this nonsense as the tqo sides stared at each other in Central Park, where alich amd Ordun the fae lord looked at Grenadaman, three mice and the constantly shifting fae lord who had adopted choas, "What shall the game be?" Order asked.

Grenademan was about to speak when Jarvi spoke, smirking "Bar Trivia?"


"Archmage here, divination spell,"

Grenademan smiled,"Easter Egg Hunt"

Chaos grinned widely and Order scowled at Jarvi.

Mr. Right, the mouse, said,"Its quite legal. We checked."

Ordun scowled at Mr Right but conjured two easter basket.

For twenty minutes, a lich and a bunch of Zombies looked for Easter Eggs, whuoe Grenadmam and several forest animals gathered...an egg.

After an hpur everyone gathered and Jarvi cackled at the dozens of eggs around him.

Easter Eggs...or Spray Painted Explosive Grenades, as Grenademan activated the remote detonator and blew Jarvi and all the Zombies to smitherines. Superheroes didnt kill, but the undead were already dead. Then Grenademan bent down amd grabbed a single egg, winning by proxy.

The Earth was saved.
