Eddie Brock

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Eddie Brock (Scenesys ID: 723)
Name: Edward Brock
Superalias: Venom
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Klyntar
Occupation: Underground Journalist
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: College Grad
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Groups: Spider-Verse
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 04 March 1985 Played By Tom Hardy
Height: 6'2/6'8" Weight: 275 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-vUjOxdXDk

Character Info


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Disgraced journalist Eddie Brock found a new friend in the form of a carnivorous alien symbiote. Now, the two united have formed an intense bond both mental and physical. The resultant creature hunts the night for sustenance and amusement, often targetting the criminal class, but sometimes just looking for something to play with. Together, they are known as Venom.


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* 1985: Eddie Brock is born in New York City. He never knows his father and is raised by a single mother.
* 1998: Eddie gets arrested the first time after getting into a fight in the neighborhood. He has a long history of behavior problems, but his mother can't afford to get him the psychiatric help he needs.
* 2004: Eddie takes a leave of absence from college after his mother dies of cancer. He spends several months in a psychiatric institution.
* 2008: Eddie finally completes his career and starts out at several small online outlets as a freelancer.
* 2012: Eddie finally gets hired at the Daily Bugle as a full-time reporter on the crime beat.
* 2017: Eddie was contacted by a man claiming to be a wanted serial killer. He protected the man's identity in front-page headlines, but later gave into pressure and his conscience to reveal the killer's identity. Immediately after, a superhero revealed someone else as the real killer. Eddie finds himself fired and disgraced. He has since only been able to work ghostwriting for others or for shady tabloids. Eddie grows embittered, hateful, self-loathing. And hates the superhero responsible for the revelation.
* 2019: While chasing a story, something he thinks will be his big break to getting back in the journalism world, Eddie is exposed to and infected by a Klyntar symbiote, an alien species that infects his mind and body and transforms him into the gestalt creature known as Venom. At first, Eddie and Venom are in conflict but they come to find an uneasy truce together, so long as Eddie keeps finding suitable targets to assuage Venom's appetites and doesn't try to reign in the fun too much. The secret, of course, is that sometimes Eddie's having fun, too.

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Eddie wallows in his pain. He does not try to make things better, but instead reworks things in his mind, over and over again. He can be sensitive to criticism and is very slow to trust other people. He sees himself as an alienated outsider, someone who's been cast out for no good reason, and he's pretty resentful about it.

Eddie always wanted to be somebody. He felt worthless and like a nothing most of his life and his brief run as a big city news reporter made him feel special. Losing that hurt a lot, but he's not giving up. He's still driven to make a name for himself, to achieve, to do something great. Even if that might mean becoming a monster to do it.

Venom likes hurting people. Venom likes scaring people. While not a sadist, Eddie isn't as particular about bad things happening when it comes to bad people. Or those he absolutely hates. Venom will deliberately taunt and frighten their enemies, relishing in the suffering almost as an appetizer to the main course. Eddie is more compassionate, but the symbiote can get its way when the victim is among the worst of humanity.

Eddie has been through a lot. One could argue how his time with Venom has affected his mental stability for better or worse, and there would be some truth on both sides. But a psychiatrist would probably diagnose Eddie with a few conditions. He is not, however, a psychotic supervillain. He tends to restrain Venom's worst behavior except when dealing with very bad people.

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The symbiote's surface can create incredible surface tension allowing Venom to cling to walls or other materials essentially at will. While they traditionally will do so with their hands and feet, they can cling with any part of their body (or with tentacles or extrusions as necessary, as the symbiote possesses universal dexterity and molecular control). The grip is stronger than titanium steel and makes it very difficult to force them to let go against their will. Venom can move vertically up nearly sheer surface and can easily scale buildings or cling to the back of speeding vehicles, even planes.

Venom has the capability to blend in against its surroundings Predator-style. While they will be noticed in motion due to blurring or flickering as it compensates, this effect can make them extremely difficult to detect when they're still, especially unless they are being directly looked at. In the corner of the eye or in the background, the effect is nearly seamless. The Venom symbiote generates a nulling field that tends to counteract 'sixth sense' detection by things such as Peter Parker's spider sense or other forms of short-term precognition or preternatural awareness.

Venom's massive, fang-filled mouth isn't just cosmetic. Venom's jaw can unhinge and, with its superhuman strength, bite through even plate steel. The symbiote's unique metabolism allows them to devour and digest essentially anything organic and quite a bit inorganic, including fabric, wood and small elements of metal, especially softer metals like gold or tin. Venom can engulf and swallow the upper half of an adult human male from head to waist before they begin to choke (and then they just start to chew and they can usually manage). The more energy and power used, the more injuries they need to regenerate, the more conspicuous their consumption tends to be - and the more uncontrollable the appetite.

Monster's Mind:
Venom has two minds in one body, both of which are quite vicious, mad and willful. Those who engage in psionic contact or interference with them do so at their peril and will likely find their shared mind to be a jagged, uncomfortable and possibly dangerous place to visit. Controlling or psychic communication with them is extremely difficult, to say the least.

The symbiote is capable of restoring damaged physical cells and structures at an extremely rapid rate. Minor injuries will disappear in less than an hour, major injuries can be fixed within a day or two on the outside. His regeneration is fueled by ingestion so he'll heal faster the better fed they are. Burns will take him up to twice as long to regenerate due to the symbiote's vulnerability to thermal damage.

The essence of the symbiote is capable of altering its appearance, shape, texture and structure so radically as to be able to camouflage Venom perfectly in a wide variety of ways. The symbiote can form any clothes and alter the host's facial structure, appearance and physical body essentially at will, with the host's cells becoming totally malleable under the symbiote's influence. In their usual form, Venom possesses a massive mouth, prehensile tongue and claws capable of ripping through solid steel.

Venom's superhuman strength is on the upper end of the superhuman realm, enabling him to throw cars, tear through bricks or bend steel with relative ease. If agitated, enraged or with great effort, he can extend his strength to lift up to 40 tons, but his average strength is usually around the 25 ton range. He can extend his strength through tendrils or tentacles that he can latch off his body, including limbs of pure symbiote or even their rather trademark tongue. Venom can leap nearly fifty feet in the air from a standing position and can run at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

Eddie Brock is genetically joined with an alien symbiote from an advanced collective far from Earth. The symbiote is bound to Eddie's very cells and has its own consciousness and personality. The symbiote can hide itself inside of Eddie or manifest fully by covering him, including providing him with massive jaws and claws that he can use at his leisure. The symbiote greatly increases his physical resistance to injury, letting him withstand blunt force trauma equivalent to his superstrength of around 40 tons. He can withstand bullets and conventional blades, although some puncturing can be possible if done with sufficient force. His stamina, reflexes and dexterity have all been increased to approximately ten times the human peak.


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Eddie was getting into fights since he was a kid in a rough neighborhood. The symbiote, even before bonding with him, had a significant career in superhuman combat and passed those skills along to Eddie. There's nothing pretty or clean about the way Venom fights, but it's undeniably savage and effective.

Put simply, Venom is a terrifying darkness monster with huge fangs and a drooling tongue and a voice that sounds like death itself. While there may be more formidable, more powerful or even more dangerous creatures in the world, there are few who instill quite as much instinctive, bone-chilling terror in their victims than Venom.

Eddie Brock has worked extensively as an investigative reporter. He knows how to follow a lead, look for clues and break down evidence. He can assemble a narrative and find the missing pieces. He's especially good at asking the right questions and knowing when someone's lying to him.

Eddie's a good writer, with a tight and crackling prose style particularly well-suited for tabloids and sleaze. He's trying his hand at fiction a bit these days, since his life has gotten a bit more fantastical, and, for all of the trouble he got himself in, he remains a solid journalist.


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Eddie still knows people from his days as a reporter. He has sources in the police department, a few of the mobs and some of the shadier industries of New York. Anyone reluctant to answer his questions will likely have Venom breathing down their neck.

Eddie makes a basic living ghost-writing, proofreading and generally doing dogsbody work for a wide variety of websites and journalistic endeavors. He makes up fake stories for conspiracy theory sites and generally works as a bottom-feeder in the industry while he works on his novel and his more lethal hobbies. He makes a very modest income, just enough to have a somewhat crappy apartment and eating out mostly at fast food and diners.


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While the symbiote makes him quite formidable, Eddie does still need to breathe. He can be smothered or drowned and is vulnerable to gas attacks.

Downward Slope:
Though Eddie was a reasonably decent person before his humiliation and the subsequent joining with the Venom symbiote, his life has been on a downward track. The symbiote has been a devil in and on his shoulder, trying to push him in negative directions. But at the same time Venom's actions have made Eddie confront far worse behavior than he himself had sunk to yet. It is likely events could push him further down the bad slope. But it is also possible he could find increased redemption if things went well.

Fire Damage:
Flames or high intensity heat attacks like lasers disrupt the matrix of the symbiote's cells and results in intense physical damage and pain. Burns will heal much more slowly than other kinds of injuries and both symbiote and host could die as a result of being engulfed in flames for anything more than a very short period.

Shared Body:
Eddie and Venom coexist generally quite well, but they don't get along perfectly. No one does. If they are at odds or of differing opinions, they can struggle for control over their shared form, becoming distracted with infighting and not able to use their abilities at their peak as they fight for control.

High decibel sound and ultrasonics have an extremely negative effect on the symbiote, causing intense pain that paralyzes and incapacitates host and parasite alike. Continual exposure to powerful sonic attacks will cause the parasite to try to separate from the host and seek escape by any means necessary.



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Eddie Brock has 79 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Shadow-Walkers and Light May 26th, 2024 Venom meets Cloak and Dagger properly. An alliance is made, and symbiote handshakes are shared.
Late and Early at the Copperpot May 9th, 2024 Tandy meets Venom's human half, and unknowingly makes good on that offer of diner food.
When A Snickers Isn't Enough May 7th, 2024 Venom's ravenous gorging at a New York City chocolate shop is interrupted by Ghost Spider. Finding a potential new source of sating his hunger, Venom pursues Ghost Spider through the Big Apple. The pursuit of predator against prey ends when the prey turns out to have tricks of its own. A brief clash ends in Venom escaping into the NYC sewer system.
Not Quite Dancing At The Blue Iguana May 1st, 2024 Eddie is back hunting New Lots for stories worth writing, and encounters Vanessa slinging drinks at No5 Orange.
Meal to Go April 29th, 2024 Venom pursues and catches a couple fleeing gangbangers. Just as the Lethal Protector was preparing to have a nibble from one of the criminals, a concerned group showed up to diffuse the situation. While Venom surely desired a few fresh brains to stave off his hunger, he was distracted from finishing the deed. A suitable threat coupled with a considerable bribe of promised chocolates was enough to drive him off. Justin the Thug was fortunate tonight. Or was he, now that he has to work for Tandy at the diner?
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway April 15th, 2024 Mania and Venom reconnect while encountering someone else good at attracting attention when she wants it: Selene.
Father Theo and New Lots April 14th, 2024 Eddie Brock goes to meet with Father Theo, a priest in New Lots that a colleague suggested might help Eddie find some stories worth writing.
These Boots Are Made for Walking December 26th, 2023 Eddie and Inez banter about fashion and the holidays while making future plans to hang out
Andi and Eddie grab a Bite December 15th, 2023 Andi and Eddie have a brief chat about their hobbies and preferences
Eddie and Nico Doggo Shenanigans December 15th, 2023 No description
Murder In the Orient December 5th, 2023 Inez takes Venom out for snacks.
Mutant Town Melodies December 4th, 2023 a buncha randos gather up at Mootant Town Milkshakes to gab and be weirdos!
Gyros with Anti-Heroes December 3rd, 2023 Merc vs Alien, ft. choco-kinks and the proper way to make gravy.
Late Night Neon Greasy Spoon October 23rd, 2023 Qira meets a fellow fringe-dweller during the late night shift at Batburger.
Symbiote Riot August 19th, 2023 Venom has a Supermarket Sweep. Spidey and Mania save the day. Ish.
After the Carnage July 22nd, 2023 After fighting Carnage, Venom tracks down Mania for a complicated talk.
Maximal Carnage - Spiders fighting Freaks July 3rd, 2023 Symbiotes and Spiders team up against the crazed killer Carnage!
Prowlers in the Dark June 28th, 2023 Venom's hunt is interrupted by Gabby Kinney, who almost becomes a snack.
Trinity Trifecta March 24th, 2023 A small next of vampires unfortunately learn they are not alpha predators and just leave a mess behind.
The Low March 23rd, 2023 Demona is out hunting vampires, Venom is investigating human traffickers, and vampires are dying horribly when the two meet.
Thank You For The Venom December 26th, 2022 Kim tries to score some drugs to help keep her festive mood up for the holidays, but things go horribly wrong for her when double-crossing is suspected at the deal. Perhaps it's fate that Venom and Mania are also drawn to the scene, and soon a standoff between the three Symbiotes ensues...
Little Trouble in Big Downtown December 3rd, 2022 A trio of young superheroes happen upon a drug deal crashed by a hungry Venom. A small confrontation ensues, which may or may not involve a high symbiote.
Reconnecting with 'Family' November 27th, 2022 Venom reaches out to Mania and they meet at the site of their first encounter. A rather contentious conversation follows, showing lingering differences.
Feeding Frenzy November 26th, 2022 Venom flees, his hunger temporarily sated as his fellow symbiote is left to explain in his wake.
Symbiotes and Singers! August 19th, 2022 No description
Murder in Little Italy June 18th, 2022 No description
A Round of Lethal Protecting May 23rd, 2022 When Juggernaut id deposited Earth-Side after an unwanted adventure in the Crimson Cosmos, his confusion and disorientation require the intervention of Venom The Lethal Protector and She Hulk: Attorney at Law to keep things from getting too far out of hand.
Secret Identities May 4th, 2022 Whirlwind tries a jewelry heist, but Ghost Spider is there to save the day, while Eddie has to avoid revealing himself.
An April Day At Wong's Corner Store April 19th, 2022 A warm spring day is a good time for a coffee break outdoors.
Expressing Yourself March 25th, 2022 Eddie surprise Gwen with flowers and dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bamonte argue adorably, but make some mean Italian.
Depths of Deviancy March 6th, 2022 Kids have gone missing. A group of heroes come in to look into things and help, and find out there's something far worse behind it. And they have to start down the path of those that have fallen into the hard times.. Of Deviancy.
A Little Too Authentic March 5th, 2022 Venom accosts a Spider-Man cosplayer, while Mania saves people from falling debris. Also, they talk.
The Circus Cometh February 21st, 2022 Tiboldt's Circus entertains and soaks it's audience
An Unusual Valentine February 15th, 2022 Venom gives Gwen a chicken for Valentine's Day. Really, a chicken!?
Fans and Fanatics January 30th, 2022 Eddie comes face to face with Spider-Man, but they have bigger fish to try...
Christmas With A Spider January 7th, 2022 A great Christmas morning for Gwen, Eddie, and a symbiote
She Deserves Flowers December 20th, 2021 Picking up Gwen at the corner store, Eddie realizes the good parts of his life.
Hey oh. Oh ay! December 16th, 2021 Arthur learns of a possible critter to deal with from Eddie.
One Night In Harlem November 19th, 2021 Gwen and Eddie go to Harlem's Paradise to catch a favorite band of Gwen's. And run into it's owner, Cornell 'Cottonmouth' Stokes.
The Last Archivist: Family Feud October 27th, 2021 Jon visits his daughter's grave with his friends Tim and Zatanna along, but doesn't have a chance to mourn before his cousin attacks. She should have been Archivist, but she made a deal with a demon and Jon got the position instead. She tries to kill him, but Jon's friends--and Venom--hold her and the assassins off. Jon's husband turns out to be alive, and he's the one who kills Sasha--right before Tim punches him in the face!
Coffee of DOOM October 20th, 2021 Even DOOM's coffee is tremendous. Wanda, Melina, Gwen and Eddie end up in Coffee of DOOM. So does J. Jonah Jameson.
The Rebellion Will Be Televised September 21st, 2021 Thanks to the efforts of Gotham's valiant defenders, Princess Amethyst is saved from her Gemworld pursuers and the forces of darkness are beaten back! ...for now.
More Time At The Beach September 5th, 2021 Eddie brings Gwen back a present, a signed copy of The Grey Ghost's autobiography.
Book-Signings and Brews August 21st, 2021 Eddie meets The Gray Ghost and buys a signed copy of his book
Nothing Like The Beach July 30th, 2021 Eddie and Gwen head down to Virginia to a beach house belonging to a college buddy
A Little TLC July 3rd, 2021 Gwen's wound from the Lizard's attack at ESU gets treated at home
Lizards On Campus June 9th, 2021 Lizard tries to abscond with a computer bank from ESU, but Ghost Spider and a reluctant Venom stop him.
Under By The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea May 8th, 2021 A nice day in late spring sees a number of people congregate at the beach at Coney Island. A volleyball game breaks out.
What Is A Scion Anyway May 1st, 2021 Gwen and Eddie go out nightclubbing, and run into Rachel Summers and Greg Rollins.
Of All The Rooftops In the City She Had To Swing Onto Mine April 24th, 2021 Venom and Ghost Spider run into each other while each are surveilling a hospital.
X-men: Hijack This - Surface Assault April 14th, 2021 Anti-mutant terrorist hijack a plan with two dozen Trask engineers and researchers. The X-men assault an abandoned salt mine to save them and the other passengers taken hostage. The surface battle.
The Wrath Of Wong April 8th, 2021 Mrs. Wong finally clues in on Gwen and Eddie's secret. He managed to avoid being shot
A Nice Day For A Walk March 30th, 2021 Gwen and Eddie go for a walk in Washington Park, playing frisbee and figuring out how to get Gwen an audition with the Jets.
Meat's Back On The Menu Boys March 23rd, 2021 A gang shootout independently draws Venom and Colossus. The X-man objects to Venom... eating someone. Fisticuffs and thrown car parts ensue.
But I Have A Good Excuse March 8th, 2021 Eddie's arrest causes him to miss helping Gwen with her paper. He finds out about band, and that they have both been through more than he realized.
The Wrath of J Jonah Jameson March 6th, 2021 Peter Parker runs into Eddie Brock in the Daily Bugle lobby. A confrontation with J. Jonah Jameson results in Eddie taken away in a squad car, and Peter negotiating to get the charges dropped.
A Ray Of Sunshine March 5th, 2021 Gwen wakes to remembering she has a house guest. But who wants to get up, really.
What Is It With Furnaces February 26th, 2021 As Eddie's apartment's heat is down on a frigid night, Gwen spots him heading for a bar and lets him crash on her couch.
Geneticists Of The World Unite February 24th, 2021 Madigan heads to ESU to talk Genetics, ending up with Gwen while her absentminded professor catches up on Madigan's technical emails. Eddie gets enlisted to wheel Madigan's chair, and watches her eat a chocolate bar in front of him. Some people.
Hooligans Just Not The Soccer Kind February 18th, 2021 Kids make a mess of Wong's Corner Store. Eddie and Gwen are in agreement about lentil beans.
Symbiotes Can Investigate Bombings Too February 16th, 2021 As Venom leaves the sight of the mutant high school bombing, he's spotted by Mania and a rooftop talk happens.
Someone Had A Real Blast February 15th, 2021 Daisy and Yo-yo investigate the van bomb that went off at a high school in Mutant Town, while Eddie Brock goes to investigate as well, looking for bad guys to sate Venom's hunger.
The Problem With The Furnace February 11th, 2021 Mrs. Wong makes her opinions known to Eddie as he helps Gwen fix the furnace in the corner story. Resulting in a face full of soot, and plans to help the ESU student with some of her writing.
Some Meals Deliver Themselves February 9th, 2021 Ghost Spider intercepts Venom as he goes after some men responsible for a drive by shooting in the vicinity of children. A fight results and Gwen saves the Klyntar's would-be morsel for the evening, and gives Venom a good wholloping on top of it.
Let Me Give You A Hand With Those February 4th, 2021 Eddie encounters Gwen carrying home groceries, and lends a hand as they talk about social media, genetics, and of course chocolate.
Lending A Hand February 2nd, 2021 Gwen tries to hide her strength as Eddie volunteers to help her bring in crates of food into the store. The furnace is noisy, and Eddie went to ESU too? Things to discuss later.
Did You Do Something With Your Hair February 1st, 2021 Eddie discovers someone new working at the corner store. Gwen Stacy scores points slipping an extra Hershey bar into his bag. Shhh.
A meeting of minds.. January 29th, 2021 And all is well. except maybe for the man in the alley.
Yippie-Ki-Yay Holiday: The Terminal November 30th, 2020 William Townley and his well-armed militia take over JFK International Airport during a raging snowstorm in the hopes of strong-arming a release of his brother, Jared, after last week's failed heist. Unexpected help shows up in the form of heavily-armed Falcone gangsters, the Venom symbiote, the armored tech raptor Ballista, and The Shadow herself. Local national guardsmen are found to be turncoats, the majority of the militia is slain under hails of gunfire or torn to pieces, and all but one hostage within the ATC tower is saved. William is arrested, but some men fled into the storm and managed to escape. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of these men...?
Can you just get ahold of yourself Eddie November 24th, 2020 Two Symbiotes had a very deep philosophical discussion. Who can tell what this will bring later on?
Firepower November 6th, 2020 An arm's deal was prevented but the clean-up remains. As do questions, questions about the Shadow, questions about the Beast and of course, was that really a giant mutant turtle?
Untold Streets: Ghoul Killer September 9th, 2020 No description
Boom Shaka Laka September 6th, 2020 Terra and Venom thrash the Beetle
Mr. Venom's Wild Ride September 1st, 2020 Venom and a careening carriage cross Cecily's path. Muggers are eaten.
Symbiote Encounter August 16th, 2020 No description
Sanguine and Ichor August 3rd, 2020 A monster on the hunt rescues a monster caught by those who hunt them. A dance in fountains of blood and ribbons of flesh see a new alliance formed between two creatures of the shadows.
Seeking The Barista Cat Of Doom August 2nd, 2020 Good drinks, good company, new friends, and cats. Today was a good day at DOOM Coffee.
Uncle Eddie and the Princess July 21st, 2020 Pretenses in the diner are dropped. Venom and Mania meet.
Greasy Spoons July 21st, 2020 Two symbiotes in a diner leads to some tense conversation while Johnny Storm is a smooth operator.


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Eddie Brock has 79 finished logs.

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Eddie Brock has been credited in 0 shows.

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Eddie Brock has been credited in 0 albums.

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Eddie Brock has authored 0 books.

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