Ka'shira Raptorethi

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Ka'shira Raptorethi (Scenesys ID: 3261)
Name: Ka'shira Raptorethi
Superalias: none
Gender: Female
Species: Shi'ar
Occupation: Socialite
Citizenship: Chandilar
Residence: TBA
Education: University/Military Academy
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 16 Sep 1996 Played By Zendaya
Height: 5'10" Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: Light brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Ka'shira is an elegant young woman in her mid-twenties. Well-spoken and from a noble family on Chandilar, the Shi'ar Throneworld. Currently, she travels abroad on the behest of her family, to be better acquainted with Earth. A skilled diplomat and warrior, she's equipped, to operate on her own.


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*1996: Born on the Throneworld to House of Raptorethi, parents J'nar(Father) and Kya'drial(Mother)
*2000: Begins comportment and etiquette classes.
*2001: Started attending Aerie Prep, early education military academy. Trains in combat arts and Tactics, in addition to discipline and classical education.
*2007: Graduates to Royal Raptor Prep, secondary education. Continues in advanced tactics and combat training. Studies galactic languages and diplomacy, in addition to her full course load.
* 2013: Graduates to the Imperial Military Academy and University. Majors in Diplomatic studies, with a minor in Modern Warfare with an emphasis in stealth combat.
* 2017: Graduates with honors. Starts internship.
*2018: Returns home to begin working as an Off-world representative for her family.

IC Journal

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Whether it's to her government, her family, or trusted friends Ka'shira remains staunchly loyal. Beyond duty and obligation, she follows her heart, supporting those she is closest to.

Ka'shira tries to remain personable and affable, to retain an overall approachable demeanor. She smiles often and seems genuinely interested in others

After years of etiquette and comportment classes, Ka'shira's overall outward presentation is poised and polished. Beyond knowing which fork to use for a salad, her mannerisms are neat and sophisticated. She tries to manage without coming across as too stiff or stuffy.

Slow To Anger:
It isn't easy to enrage Ka'shira. Her years of diplomatic training have taught her how to gird her anger. In addition, there just aren't many things that will set her off. Her slow-burning temper, however, means it burns extra hot once sparked.

Character Sheet


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As with strength, Ka'shira's training in higher gravity has given her a higher than average human stamina. She can run a little further and fight a little longer before she drops from exhaustion.

As a Shi'ar, Ka'shira's quite a bit stronger than average humans. She can lift close to one ton in Earth-like gravity, due to the higher density of the Shi'ar homeworld and intense physical training.


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Ka'shira has had extensive combat training, from a very early age. From hand-to-hand to Shi'ar energy weapons, she is well versed in a wide range of combat arts. However, she does prefer blades to guns Ka'shira can use both.

Between her affable nature and extensive education, she is gifted with diplomacy. Ka'shira has acted as a diplomat for her family's interests for years.

Having an education in comportment and protocol, she knows how to address the dowager queen from the 5th Moon of Gapidos Nine to civilians on Earth. She can bow, courtesy, and salute. She's also quite polite.

Ka'shira can fly a multitude of air and spacecraft common to Chandilar. While she has only minimal experience with the more primitive vehicles of Earth, she has full confidence she can learn quickly.

In addition to her martial arts training, Ka'shira's training has also included stealth. She can move about and perform several deft maneuvers to disable an opponent, quietly.


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Personal Weapons:
Ka'shira has a small cache of Shi'ar weapons for personal defense. This includes energy weapons in the form of a sword and handgun and a small holography generator. The generator looks like a fancy Smart Watch and is used for camouflage and disguise.

Her family is rich. She comes fitted with several platinum credit cards, and a bank account already padded with Earth currency. While getting additional funds may be time-consuming, it should take her some time to get through what she has.


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Most Shi'ar are unable to internally produce heat. As such Ka'shira is susceptible to extreme cold, and cannot survive long in a cold environment.

Though she is slow to anger, once mad, her temper burns white-hot. She has to burn through a good bit of exertion or expression before she can calm down, as well.



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Ka'shira Raptorethi has 10 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Holiday Hope Release Party November 6th, 2021 The party's on at the Sion! Several homeless shelters reap the rewards
A Hellfire Halloween October 28th, 2021 The Halloween bash at the Hellfire Club goes as planned. Darkness, debauchery, deals, and costumes a plenty. Though, given the shenannigans toward the end, the bar might need to put a hold on jello-shots for the foreseeable future.
Staten Island Ferry Rescue October 20th, 2021 Staten Island Ferry sinks due to bomb. Heroes save the passengers and crew despite the best efforts of panicky people.
A Piracy Ship Sails into Gotham's Museum October 12th, 2021 Gotham gets a new exhibit, Elektra, Selene, and Ka'shira come to enjoy the treasures and follow a target. Felicia shows up to enjoy a different treasure.
Busy Day. October 10th, 2021 What he hopes is going to be a day spent drinking and reading at the bar for John turns into an offer for help in return for knowledge, meeting one of Nettie's Poppets and hiring a bouncer. It was a busy day and it hasn't even started yet.
Of Paparazzi and Men October 2nd, 2021 Frederick is aided by a local friendly alient
PoP: I'd Like to Speak to the Manager. October 2nd, 2021 When Karens and Kens overrun Lost Pond Mall, it falls on a small group of 'heroes' to put them in their places. The day's saved, but the rifts are getting bigger and the things coming from them stranger.
Meeting With Tiffany's September 26th, 2021 No description
Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid Of A Rock September 22nd, 2021 An encounter with random people on Broad Street reveals disillusioning facts to RUBY, and after some time, directions to a hotel are given to KA'SHIRA, courtesy of local megateacher ALBERT and his astute space-pupil, GREG. To think, that the cats are neither cats, nor fat.
August Visitors September 20th, 2021 After some surprise and misunderstandings, Cal'hatar is sought out by another of his people on this planet - and wrestles with what that will mean for the future.


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Ka'shira Raptorethi has 10 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Ka'shira Raptorethi has been credited in 0 shows.

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Ka'shira Raptorethi has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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