Knights of the Holy Order

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The Vatican has had several knightly Orders in the 1500-odd years it has existed. The Knights of the Holy Order are a covert combat unit specifically tasked to hunt down and destroy threats of a supernatural or demonic nature. They are well versed in lore and mythology, and well equipped by the Vatican with specialized weapons and equipment for the task at hand. It has been customary for many young princes and nobility from Europe and the Ottoman Empire to attend time in Rome and be inducted into the Order if they prove themselves worthy.

The Order is extremely progressive in terms of tactics and equipment. They embrace the use of modern weapons and scientific methods for destroying supernatural threats. They are well acquainted with private institutions such as the Cleaners under the leadership of Alexander Corvinus and SHIELD's special task team, WAND. The Order has a reputation for being religious hardlines bordering on fanaticism and tend to err on the side of containing threats by any means necessary, no matter the collateral damage.

Notable members include Abraham van Helsing and formerly, Vlad Drakul.