ID State Owner Title Description
15009 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Meeting Monet Aurora runs into new people at the Hellfire Club, and learns that some powers are really fearsome.
14349 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier About An Agent No description
14103 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Officially An Actor Aurora celebrates her newfound status as actress
13609 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier If You're Gonna Fight Do It Right Alexis, one of Jeanne-Marie's alters, signs up for martial arts lessons under Shredder!
13129 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier One Model To Another Aurora learns some more tips of the trade from MJ.
12922 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier A Guest Host Aurora got to be a guest host in Fangtasia, and she got to meet the Human Torch and an alien for her trouble. Oh, there was also Mary Jane Watson.
12220 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier If They See You, They Get Used To You In another venture to the Hellfire Club, Aurora opens herself a chance to get a new agent, in the form of the witty and impressive Emma Frost
11586 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier What Does It Take To Be a Member? Aurora makes a play for Hellfire Club VIP membership, as she vyes to be in the in-crowd of top models.
11461 Finished Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Dress Like A Hero, Meet A Hero In a photoshot where Aurora had to pose as a sexy Captain Marvel, she wound up meeting an actual god! How about that? Oh, Franklin Spade, Jr was also there. And his daughters. And was that the actual Captain Marvel...?