ID State Owner Title Description
17579 Paused Clint Barton In that moment
17443 Finished Clint Barton Quest for fire Looking for some kindling for the fire at camp, Wanda and Clint find some kindling of their own.
17438 Paused Clint Barton Preparing for the season!
17277 Finished Clint Barton When Brooklyn is preferable Getting Wanda away from the Mansion, even for a little while, is a good thing. She agrees to stay with him at his place for a little bit, until she's ready.
17191 Finished Clint Barton Twice around the park, James! A snowy carriage ride around Central Park for Valentine's Day. Perfect!
16791 Finished Clint Barton Training Session: Avengers Version Clint is practicing his marksmanship. Wanda is practicing her hand to hand combat. They decide to mix it up and spar a little!
16786 Paused Clint Barton Crystal Arrows
16554 Finished Clint Barton Another Long Day Clint come home with Pizza, Clea went shopping, Plans for the holiday are made.
16308 Finished Clint Barton Day in, Day out Clint and Clea talk about their busy lives and plans to tell their friends about their engagement.
16139 Finished Clint Barton Left over Pizza and Greenwich Nights. Clint bring Clea left overs... then randomly proposes.
15948 Finished Clint Barton Let's get some Ice Cream, Kid. Kate and Clint catch up over Milkshakes and Coffee.
15452 Finished Clint Barton Real Talk Clea and Clint talk about their past, future, and relationship.
15218 Finished Clint Barton AVENGERS FOREVER: Sword of Damocles The SHIELD Contingent brave the mysterious interior of Kang the Conqueror's Starship Damocles.
15157 Finished Clint Barton Hush Hush Quiet and Hawkeye share some words on a very special birthday.
15107 Finished Clint Barton AVENGERS FOREVER: R. M. Jones, Esq. The Avengers and their allies try to learn just who Rick Jones is.
15106 Finished Clint Barton AVENGERS FOREVER: Avengers Day The Avengers Day celebrations are interrupted by a teleporting dude bro and smiling stormtroopers!
14858 Finished Clint Barton Date Night (Gone Right?) Dinah and Clint go out on a date, only to find some ne'er-do-wells want to spoil their romantic evening. That ain't gonna slide.
12903 Finished Clint Barton We in the backyard doing backyard things Diana lets Clint win at a game of CAT, shooting arrows. DC & Marvel are different breeds.
12722 Finished Clint Barton A beer between thunder buddies Thor and Clint share a beer, wax on metaphysical, philosophical, and on matters of other peoples heart. Avenger stuff, ya know.
12682 Finished Clint Barton One burger today Clint and Kate catch up over burgers because grease is the best solvant for being MIA for the entire run of Hawkeye.
11515 Finished Clint Barton Jaketch's Gambit: Snakes in the Grass Lara decodes a transmission for Clint and digs up a clue that ties ancient Mesopotamian ruins to the recent Skrull/Chitauri attack
11459 Finished Clint Barton Jaketch's Gambit: Park Portal Problems A portal opens in Central Park and a small Chitauri force invade! Thankfully a few of New York's heroes are on hand to push back the aliens and get glared at by a mysterious alien war leader. Then it's time for beers.
11275 Finished Clint Barton When Clint met Helena and I'll have what she's having Clint and Helena lay out terms of a wager to decide which is truly superior - the bow or the crossbow.
9780 Finished Clint Barton Something Witty No description
9583 Finished Clint Barton Coffee Arrow! Helena and Clint have coffee.
9363 Finished Clint Barton Pale Moonlight No description
9188 Finished Clint Barton Lets Talk Nat needs to talk, and Clint - despite sandwiches - listens.
9173 Finished Clint Barton Why make enemies... Clint and Helena get coffee
9171 Finished Clint Barton Hey Man Clint and Tony meet up, and while Tony studies his drones, Clint's looking for target practice.
9123 Finished Clint Barton Set 18, Shoot 18 Dinah and Clint shoot some pool.
9021 Finished Clint Barton Long Time No See Alexander Aaron and Clint Barton reunite and do some catching up.
9015 Finished Clint Barton Snack Time! Bobbi and Clint meet again. It goes about as expected.
6088 Finished Clint Barton Lots of Catching Up Clint breaks the news about SHIELD to Nat.
6007 Finished Clint Barton A Little Quiet Time Plans are made, snuggling commences
5774 Finished Clint Barton When Bobbi Met Wanda Dr. Morse is invited to a meeting at the Avenger's mansion and learns of an unexpected ally.
5747 Finished Clint Barton A Disturbance in the Basement SHIELD news is shared with Wanda, knives are thrown, and Clint agrees they're a team
5742 Finished Clint Barton A Broken SHIELD Clint tells Cap about the fall of SHIELD
5719 Finished Clint Barton Told You It Would Be Quick Clint returns to Wanda after a mission. Sandwiches and tea are completely ignored.
5685 Finished Clint Barton Another goodbye Targets were shot, Clint tells Wanda he's off again.
5159 Finished Clint Barton Better Late Than... A quick check in turns into a quick mini-Avengers planning session.
4872 Finished Clint Barton Sunny Side Up Clint makes breakfast and almost burns the eggs!
4490 Finished Clint Barton Studying For Success Clint and Wanda plan a date.
3851 Finished Clint Barton Signs and Portents, SHIELD edition SHIELD team heads to speak with a Warlord in Afghanistan and learns of a black ops location that hadn't been on anyone's map.
3213 Finished Clint Barton Dock clean-up Visiting the docks the day after an arrest, Clint and Wanda check to see if anything could have been missed. Wanda makes an inspired comment, and things can progress from there.
1191 Finished Clint Barton Casefiles: Something Bizarre at the Bazaar SHIELD raids an arms bazaar, and find they are the most bizarre things there, well except for exploding AIM tech and a bunch of kidsicles with powers.
1187 Finished Clint Barton A Quiet Night In After a battle with AIM, Clint and Wanda go to Brooklyn for a little time off. Clint gives Wanda a gift.
1035 Finished Clint Barton One of Us Clint inducts Mikhail into SHIELD. Training and talks about the past and future ensue.
970 Finished Clint Barton I Have a Bad Idea Clint and Wanda discuss a bad idea.
156 Finished Clint Barton This is Why I Don't Have Kids Kate calls Clint after a rough night of heroing and the two Hawkeyes talk names, history and why they do what they do. In all it's pretty inspiring.
143 Finished Clint Barton When the World Ends... When dinner is interupted by the destruction of Genosha, Clint helps Wanda keep her sanity while her world crumbles.
138 Finished Clint Barton When Did Things Get This Weird? Clint and Nat talk about Loki and hijinks from their past. Does Nat end up smiling? That's classified.
81 Finished Clint Barton Presidents and Mini-Mes Clint and Wanda go to Katz's Diner and sit at /that/ table. Things are realized and Tony is discussed.