ID State Owner Title Description
16123 Finished Karen Starr One Cereal (Cir-El?) Latte, Add A Shot of Awkward Meetings are had, smartassery occurs. Offers are made, and accepted.
11182 Finished Karen Starr How could Monitor Duty get any worse? Wally, Booster, and Diana try their best to make Power Girl just a little less grumpy. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't. (It did not, for those who cannot handle the suspense.)
8805 Finished Karen Starr Okay So What Happened At The Zoo Though Karen talks to Terry about how to handle this weird situation. Pertinently, no boning in the basement. That's the one rule.
6829 Finished Karen Starr Backed Into A Corner, and It's Full of Ants, Man Putting her life in his hands, Power Girl approached Scott to help her make a video for a dating site. Considering she knows nothing about it, and that he's the one actually putting it together, nothing could possibly go wrong.
6187 Finished Karen Starr This Was A Bad Idea Power Girl brings Atlee to the mansion to meet heroes, and introduces her to Scott. There's... There's a silver lining there somewhere.
4502 Finished Karen Starr This Will Go Fine Talia visits Karen to invest. Everything goes fine.
3764 Finished Karen Starr What Is Asteroid M? Power Girl makes her way to Asteroid M, to make sure that it is the utopia it could be.
1761 Finished Karen Starr The Vision Returns Power Girl welcomes a 'Victor Shade' to the Mansion.
1434 Finished Karen Starr The After-After Party PG walks in on the tail end of something adorable, but delivers her gift all the same: A fantastic tale for Thor to hear on his birthday. A joke hammer plays a role somewhere.
777 Finished Karen Starr Send In The Clown Karen Starr hires Harley Quinn as her personal assistant in the New York branch of Starrware. What could go wrong?
735 Finished Karen Starr Comedic Timing Harley flies with PG!