ID State Owner Title Description
17397 Finished Atrun-Rai A Common Root Old Atlantean shares his observation of the common threads of his culture winding through the ages into the epic cultures of the modern day. Also goes back home through a toilet cubicle.
15968 Finished Atrun-Rai Black Grape Extradimensional 'grapes' found in Gotham City, a portent for occult strangeness? Certainly nothing to be sneezed at, but...funny name...
14921 Finished Atrun-Rai Repo Being A cult invasion! A horrible relic given to someone who's dumb enough to try and welsh on an eldritch deal. Atrun-Rai and unlikely comrades teach him what comes of that nonsense.
9769 Finished Atrun-Rai Payment Due With debts paid and tea shared, two friendly sorcerors talk history and future plans.
9759 Finished Atrun-Rai Clipping Dread Wings Returning to White's Mill, an alliance of sorcerors clash with the wounded and still-weak monstrosity Husquollah-Baajzh before it can grow strong enough to wipe out the town and whatever else lies before it.
9740 Finished Atrun-Rai Magical Cousins No description
9722 Finished Atrun-Rai They Live In Tunnels No description
9721 Finished Atrun-Rai Fountains of Black Wings Mysterious mounds, dug up in the far west of West Virginia, proves a grave for a nameless nightmare horribly wounded by a group of mystic heroes as it attempts to manifest anew within the world. Horribly wounded, but dead? Time will tell...
9697 Finished Atrun-Rai Arrival From Darkness Meeting and revelation, and spicy food to come. Fruitful meeting, indeed.
9641 Finished Atrun-Rai The Gray Flames of Surrey No description
9631 Finished Atrun-Rai On The Corner In The Afternoon A brief meeting outside Grand Central Station. A discussion about the nature of destiny and the fight against the death of reality. Friends remain so, despite revelations of nature.
9610 Finished Atrun-Rai The Long March From Katz's Deli Into Night Leading a group of survivors from the Lower East Side toward a SHIELD checkpoint in Alphabet City -- when he encounters the mysterious Ilyana Rasputina. Dark sorcerors greet one another, and do a kind thing to protect humanity...
9446 Finished Atrun-Rai A Question of Blood Delivered unto Atrun-Rai, Michael's blood is to be used to severely damage the divine protection the angelic forces enjoy. The playing field is to be greatly leveled....
9418 Finished Atrun-Rai Reports From The Field No description
9394 Finished Atrun-Rai Legendary Relations No description
9366 Finished Atrun-Rai A Dark And Friendly Guest A brief visit to Zatanna to discuss things. Constantine is met, and Meggan is seen again. A grand day out.
9340 Finished Atrun-Rai The Stage of History No description
9331 Finished Atrun-Rai Whispering Devils No description
9236 Finished Atrun-Rai A Matter of Custom Ancient, newly-resurrected wizard meets deathless witch and gives her a shopping list to make her gawk. Good times had all around.
9227 Finished Atrun-Rai A Meeting of Bloodlines Revealing himself to Zatanna as a sorceror from out of time, Atrun-Rai requests Zatanna's assistance - but the sorceress of legend is not so comfortable with what's required...