ID State Owner Title Description
17707 Finished Johnny Storm The Sun! The Moon! Positioning! (It's about the eclipse) April O'Neil, daring investigative journalist investigates SCIENCE! And also assures Johnny Storm he is not, in fact, a dinosaur.
16997 Finished Johnny Storm Coffee Bean Hymnal A group meet for coffee and discuss their lives. Nothing interesting here!
16917 Finished Johnny Storm Meet the Storms Johnny introduces Kenesha to Susan. And boy do they hit it off.
16916 Finished Johnny Storm Why Fly When You Can Drive Kenesha finds Johnny working on his cars and they talk on what keeps him up and the future, which is promising.
16878 Finished Johnny Storm So. You're Not A Skrull? Right? Kenesha explains to Johnny who and what she is and lays bare some things. A serious conversation becomes more light hearted and moves along... (Caution: Himbo Flirting)
16865 Finished Johnny Storm Book Night at Lulu's Kenesha and Johnny enjoy a few drinks and a deep discussion on books.
15093 Finished Johnny Storm Just back from Outer Space and...golly are our limbs tired. It's a chance meeting up with friends of Valeria and Franklin at the Starport. The world's a small place after all. Johnny's test drive of another of Reed's inventions segways into an opportunity to showboat and share the flightstick with Gabby. Surely nothing bad can happen taking a prototype for a test drive.
14056 Finished Johnny Storm Fire and Water Kitty comes to visit Johnny and they have a swim
13524 Finished Johnny Storm Aces & Mates Johnny surprises Kitty with a trip to Vegas.
13156 Finished Johnny Storm Hot Stuff Felicia stops by FF Plaza and Johnny gives her a tour
9854 Finished Johnny Storm Storm summons Hyperion to the Hellfire Club Hyperion busts out the Andriod Human Torch in Conversation.
9801 Finished Johnny Storm Torch confronts The Flash about the important issue between them. Storm makes a fool of himself and learns the history of The Flash. Wally scores big.
9787 Finished Johnny Storm Hex vrs Torch Hex won, obviously.
9764 Finished Johnny Storm A chance meeting between Gwenpool and Storm on the roof of the Freedom Plaza Gwen listens to a drunk Storm complain about his life and then steals his phone.
9733 Finished Johnny Storm Storm and Husk on patrol in NYC. Sparks a flyin? Or just another Angel attack. Johnny kisses Paige, reporters flood the scene, the couple flee!
9723 Finished Johnny Storm New Blood - Old Problems A conversation between the old guard and the new blood about the movie biz was had.
6659 Finished Johnny Storm The Anywhere Device Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm get some outside help to test a probe device for Reed. It doesn't go great.
5842 Finished Johnny Storm It's A Steal Johnny Storm tries to buy some furnature, and runs into a shadow manipulating thief. He handles things with his usual diplomatic grace and style.
5577 Finished Johnny Storm Art Night Johnny Storm just wants to show off an alien statue he got on a mission. Things go perfectly!
3978 Finished Johnny Storm The Impossible Box Johnny needs help testing a mysterious artifact. With the Thing away, he calls in another strongman: the Incredible Hercules! Will the lab survive?!
2532 Finished Johnny Storm Do you want to build a Snowman? Johnny flies Nessa to Antarctia for some carefree practice of her abilities in her natural habitat, with nobody around to risk hurting! Fun was had!
2519 Finished Johnny Storm Fantastic Fire Island A small little party on fire island went off without a hitch, and no beacons visible from space were created in the making of this party!