ID State Owner Title Description
13432 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Friendsgiving in Brooklyn Friendsgiving dinner and music!
13105 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Gotham. What a *bleep*hole. No description
12250 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Dinner by Candlelight Dinner date and deep conversation. Oh, and a cooking competition. Bronze Chef?
12051 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Shadowcrest is weird, but fun! I did it! I healed someone! Then I passed the heck out!
11908 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Breakfast at Shadowcrest Breakfast Chat with mages and an immortal. Curses come up!
11849 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Checking on the guy who can't die. Ancient and Modern super soldiers sharing a meal and conversation over wine.
11832 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, back at the manor Angelo learns that blood is power is ichor is magic is blood.
11808 Finished Angelo Tampambulos CQB training for fun and profit Sparring turns emotional. Emotions turn to talk. Talk turns to amicable parting.
11710 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Runes of Wrath! Runes are complicated.. A cursed sword is cleansed. A mythical Wolf denied.
11287 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Tea and Cake! Booze, Food, and Wards... OH MY!
11008 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, back at the Carriage House... Rest and Relaxation back at the house.
10937 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Where there is discord, there is strife Others initiated to the Eris/Discord plot. Let the strife spread!
10849 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Mythic Sh*t Happens Torment of the mental variety. Lack of sleep, and looking forward to more darkness! Yay!
10763 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, back at the house... Zatanna and Angelo have a discussion about exercise and gods. Fun times!
10743 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Brooklyn has quite the varied residents. Strangers meet and share a meal.
10586 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Old Soldiers can learn new tricks such as... cooking! Dinner. Coffee. Conversation. Baklava.
10027 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Missing Serum Conclusion Finale. SHIELD fights HYDRA and then both band together to survive Super Soldier Zombehs! Science cures the serum infection and everyone goes home safe!
10026 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Missing Serum Found SHIELD tracks Nessbaum to drug kingpin Papa Legba's compound. They learn the serum is zombifying people. Compound and estate infiltrated, Hydra strike team encountered for a cliffhanger.
10025 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Missing Serum Investigation SHIELD agents investigate their missing agent Nessbaum. They find a run down apartment / safehouse and learn he had been taken by a drug kingpin in Haiti.
9798 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Reflections of Gotham Investigating an Anomaly leads to a Magic House and Tea and Baklava with Zatana. Yay!
9531 Finished Angelo Tampambulos A cold morning at the docks PAckage delivered. Meeting finished.
8842 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, back at the gym No description
8820 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Leather and Fishnets in Gotham No description
8587 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Chance Meetings in the Park Overdone acting, snacks, and a chat. Fun times!
7228 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, back at the Ranch... okay, the Carriage House. No description
6840 Finished Angelo Tampambulos A mutant, a demigod, and an experiment... walk into a bar. No this is not a joke. Dive bars are fun. Idiot gets locked out. Hijinx.
6177 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Pizza is Life No description
5704 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Hot on the trail of the past New blade, old power. Old blood new memories.
5644 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Backyard Shenanigans No description
5629 Finished Angelo Tampambulos And home again. Investigation time. No description
5626 Finished Angelo Tampambulos So, you want to join up, eh? NYPD Detective applies to SHIELD. Meets Agent May, decides to do some detective work on her own past.
5567 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Reunited and it feeeeeels so goooood! Mother and daughter reunited. Tears and tissues used. HAPPY ENDING?
5545 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, at the hospital .... memory issues pop up. Reunited with memory gaps. Fun, but still a pseudo-homecoming!
4531 Finished Angelo Tampambulos One day on (and under) the water. No description
4318 Finished Angelo Tampambulos A night at the museum. Without Teddy Roosevelt. Blades and Eagles dance in circles, and the Immortal dude is none the wiser.
3886 Finished Angelo Tampambulos For old time's sake No description
3544 Finished Angelo Tampambulos A day at the office. Vic visits Myrmidon, learns some stuff. Tracking down the owner. More to come!
3387 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Track 'n Field No description
3375 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Dinner with relatives. What a clusterfudge! No description
3102 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Investigation at the Port No description
2873 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Backyard BBQ and shocking visitor! Shazam crashes a backyard BBQ, asks for advice
2487 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meanwhile, in the recovery ward Cecily gets visitors, and a BIG GIANT TEDDY BEAR!
2245 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Flaming skull, glowing bracelet, and demigod walk into an alley. No, this is not a joke. No description
2233 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Things really do go bump in the night No description
2148 Finished Angelo Tampambulos The Nickel Tour Questions are asked and avoided. Anger rises and flight is reflexively chosen. So be it!
2104 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Angelo goes to Angelo's with Sara Pizza at Angelo's. Night trails off with happy conversation and supportive stuff.
2029 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Just my luck. Yep. Revelations and rescues. Fun and frustrating times.
1995 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Weird Investigations involving NYPD + SHIELD Witchblade meets Achilles... connections are formed quickly.
1920 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Stakeout or Steakout? Why not both?! No description
1521 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Let's Try the Triskelion tonight May gets Mysterious and Enigmatic. Debrief occurs.
1495 Finished Angelo Tampambulos A day at Spider-Woman's office No description
1461 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Meeting Quake. Hide! Secrets get revealed. Consultants get consulting...
1262 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Chat in Church. Fun times! No description
381 Finished Angelo Tampambulos One night in Metropolis No description
240 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Streets of Hell's Kitchen Cartel Ambush at the Bagel Cart gets thwarted by a polite Asgardian, an incognito immortal, and Spider-Woman.
190 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Showdown in Hell's Kitchen. Along Came a Spider. Jess and Achilles scare off a street gang and have Japanese food after. Yay Tea!
129 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Violent Police Chase in Metropolis Starlabs shipment gets hijacked. Some hero types step in to help. Harley blows it up with a bazooka. Hijinks ensue. Facebook is mentioned. Mister J is mentioned.. Oops?!
80 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Ancient Reunion, Grecian style! No description
60 Finished Angelo Tampambulos Mike Hannigan required to get bodyguard for upcoming gig. Stupid contract. Mike meets the old Greek guy and antics ensue. Bodyguard business is rough.