ID State Owner Title Description
17756 Finished Luke Cage A Ninja Walks Into A Bar Elektra comes to Luke with the potential of information.
17732 Finished Luke Cage Tear Those Meeses to Pieces! Luke finds out he's been employing someone... and paying them with chicken!
17672 Paused Luke Cage Russian Roulette?
17641 Finished Luke Cage A Little Bat Told Me Jessica comes by Luke's and he gives her the warning from Batgirl.
17606 Finished Luke Cage Just a Head's Up Barbara swings by Luke's to warn him that the Russians are keen on some revenge; Luke is non-plussed.
17479 Paused Luke Cage Two for One Night
16169 Finished Luke Cage Luke's Place, Around Midnight Ninja's attack, the trio dodge a nuclear explosion, a car chase ensues and all the while photographers at the scene catch them in eye popping fashion that makes the cover of November's edition of GQ.
15984 Finished Luke Cage It was just a bar until you arrived The Bar was hung out in. Children did not drink swill. Logan was chatty. Luke was accommodating.
14246 Finished Luke Cage Neighbors do right by neighbors Luke's search for a mechanic ends up in a planned bake-off between he and Mercy.
13885 Finished Luke Cage Orange is the New Black No description
13564 Finished Luke Cage A Raven Walks into a Bar... ...and a mob enforcer shadows out of it. Go figure.
13528 Finished Luke Cage A Night at the Bar No description
11694 Finished Luke Cage Happy Hour Hooplah Matt and Luke talking arson and pets during Happy Hour.
10444 Finished Luke Cage Raising The Bar No description
10041 Finished Luke Cage Happy Hour Special Drinks and a Fistfight? Must be Harlem.
9844 Finished Luke Cage Bars Don't Even Hop Sue Richards bar hops to Luke's to make him an offer he shouldn't refuse.
6020 Finished Luke Cage A day in the life. Jess comes by to visit the bar.
5984 Finished Luke Cage Just Another Reason Social, girls talking in a bar with Luke in the wings doing bartender things. Established 5 NPCs. Benny the barback, Dave the assist bartender, Sally, Jessie and Ralphetta the waitresses. If anyone gets that reference, they're old.
4925 Finished Luke Cage An Evening at Luke's A diverse crew hangs out at the bar