ID State Owner Title Description
16362 Finished Brunnhilde Hey, you there Alex brings a letter for Sif and runs into the Valkyrie.
15636 Finished Brunnhilde To dine an elf The plan is ready for how to deal with the svartalfar ambassador.
15333 Finished Brunnhilde Beach Asgardians Sif learns volleyball. Thor steals the Thunder. Hilde wants to take a bow for a spin. It's beach with the Asgardians!
14950 Finished Brunnhilde The Asgardians and the Hag The Asgardians face the Hag at her Tower and discover things were not as they seemed.
14728 Finished Brunnhilde Lets Ride Thor, Sif, Kelda and Brunnhilde ride towards Amora's Tower to retrieve Dragonfang. What they encounter isn't what they expected.
14556 Finished Brunnhilde Courtyard Recovery Sif and Brunnhilde train at the Embassy's courtyard where they talk of the war with the dark elves and what it may mean to Asgard. Plans are made.
5651 Finished Brunnhilde I'm an Asgardian! Crap. Brunnhilde and Hellboy run into each other at a Brooklyn dive bar, and Brunnhilde outs her Asgardian origin unwittingly, or confirms it at least. Then she promptly acts like a jerk.
5360 Finished Brunnhilde Post-Drink Snack - TBD No description
5049 Finished Brunnhilde Drinkin, Josie's, TBD No description
4512 Finished Brunnhilde False Alarm Brunnhilde and Millicent find themselves in a Brooklyn back alley. They speak of Earth's ways in this modern age, warriors' deaths, and how to make a wage in this day and age. Brunnhilde generally annoys herself with her own morals.
4437 Finished Brunnhilde This Can('t) Go Well Two legendary drinkers (alcoholics) finally cross paths and bond over their life long commitment to drinking. Power Girl goes off her beaten path a little to destress and finds jerks at every corner. Constantine hits on everyone and gets for not paying for any drinks.
4206 Finished Brunnhilde A New Adventure and Old Habits Brunnhilde goes out for a life of adventure with Amora, which apparently can mean a lot of things that make Brunnhilde grumpy.
4136 Finished Brunnhilde Reunions After all these centuries, Brunnhilde has finally run into someone from her past. Six degrees of separation. Apparently a galaxy isn't enough. Brunnhilde believes Sif has come to take her to Valhalla and blows her rent money on booze not worth dying to, but was alright in a pinch.
2191 Finished Brunnhilde SpotOp's Patchup Hilde comes upon an injured Landry and the two criminals he got hurt apprehending. She begins to patch him up when Lokitty comes to toy with them both like a cat and mouse game.