ID State Owner Title Description
14764 Finished Tyrone Johnson Drawn to it. A war against the cartel begins. Heaven help them both.
1975 Finished Tyrone Johnson Witchblade finds out things really do go bump in the night. No description
1851 Finished Tyrone Johnson Cloak and Dagger back in church No description
1822 Finished Tyrone Johnson Cloak and Dagger meet Spies. Ironic? Cloak and Dagger bite off more than they can chew. Black Knight to the rescue! Jane helped!
1750 Finished Tyrone Johnson Later, back at the ranch... er.. church. Chat had, and decisions made. HERE WE COME SPIDER-MAN!
1746 Finished Tyrone Johnson Iron Cloak and Dagger Fist. What? Okay so the name sucks. First appearance for the Darklight Duo. Scared the pee out of a drug dealer, met Iron Fist.