ID State Owner Title Description
7154 Finished Sharon Carter When There Was Us Nearly a decade ago, Sharon invites Tony to dinner to talk.
7121 Finished Sharon Carter Chasing Winter James Barnes has been 'scrambled'. The Winter Soldier and Bucky fight for domination whilst Sharon and Wanda track him down. PT 1.
6888 Finished Sharon Carter Meet at Ellis No description
6764 Finished Sharon Carter The First Rule of Fight Club.. Sharon goes back into the fight club to look for the missing agent, Angelo. Turns out, Taskmaster was still in the building, letting lose. The two nearly go head to head, rehashing their past. Sharon gets the drop on him and leaves Taskmaster for dead.
6742 Finished Sharon Carter Tokyo Drift In 2017, Sharon takes on a retrieval mission in Tokyo, Japan. Taskmaster had his own mission; both are suprisingly successful though Taskmaster wins with the upper hand and a defeated Sharon.
6635 Finished Sharon Carter Control In June of 2017, Blade and Sharon follow a lead to a makeshift club in the Bloc; they stumble onto a drug den where a vampire was being bled and starved.
6590 Finished Sharon Carter Favor for a Favor Bucky gets more than a Quinjet out of Sharon.
6542 Finished Sharon Carter Once Upon a Time In Russia Sharon calls Blade after a short nights sleep. We see how the two unlikely friends met in Russia.
5832 Finished Sharon Carter Two-Fold Extraction: Part 2 X-51 and Agent 13 finally make it to the underground tunnels that lead to the safehouse. Worse for wear.
5808 Finished Sharon Carter Two-Fold Extraction X-51 and Agent 13 make a sudden getaway out of Russia. They've been compromised.