ID State Owner Title Description
6537 Finished Mantis Another Place Nobody Knows Your Name (if you're Mantis) Mantis learns the many definitions of fun
6183 Finished Mantis Flashback: Earth Outfits! Flashback to the time the Guardians were stranded on Earth. Mantis goes to explore shopping, and tries to fool Barbara Gordon, a detective, that she's in fact a human from European or something. It doesn't go as well as she thought it would.
5851 Finished Mantis Asking Of A Tree Mantis finds out once and for all that there is no Elder Groot on Earth, but she does find Groot lost something, and she'll need to recruit Rocket to help.
5530 Finished Mantis In Service of The Quill As a follow up to #5280, Mantis ventures on her mission to discover what Peter Quill wanted her to find out. Next she'll have to report back to him.
5280 Finished Mantis The Mantis and The Quill Quill has an assignment for Mantis!
4996 Finished Mantis What I Learned On Earth Mantis finally hunts down a Guardian who will hear of her awesome experiences on Earth
4472 Finished Mantis An Elder Groot? Hank opens up to Mantis and she tries to give him advice on how to get better. Oh, Mantis also learned how to skate!
4304 Finished Mantis There's a Mantis in The Tower Mantis meets some people of Earth!
4194 Finished Mantis Common Area Chat Drax surprises Mantis with a gift.
4016 Finished Mantis Lower Deck Schmooze Mantis gets to meet Rocket up close and personal