ID State Owner Title Description
5986 Finished Shannon Davis Still wanted Still wanted, somehow not arrested yet
5951 Finished Shannon Davis Wanted Wanted for different reasons
5588 Finished Shannon Davis Let the tests begin Sciene is made, friend maybe is made if that's even possible
5449 Finished Shannon Davis The day after the day after It is the week of bad decisions
5447 Finished Shannon Davis The day after Terrible, terrible things have been done
5320 Finished Shannon Davis This is what I have gotten myself into, I should have had more backup plans please don't hate me staff Bunch of made up stuff that I had to tweak to fit this unexpected outcome don't blame me for this
5288 Finished Shannon Davis Shannoning III Good Shannon is born
5154 Finished Shannon Davis Attack of the Shannon Omega Shannon is sent to Limbo
5141 Finished Shannon Davis Mall with cat Fight complete!
5129 Finished Shannon Davis Something's not right Investigation starts
5126 Finished Shannon Davis Meeting pixie No description
5122 Finished Shannon Davis Omega Shannon cometh Brief fight and news cast
5020 Finished Shannon Davis Frustrated Shannon is frustrated Ant suit returned
5015 Finished Shannon Davis Trying Mccoy as well No description
4934 Finished Shannon Davis Bad venting Much advice and training will be given after saving from thugs
4733 Finished Shannon Davis Super PHD experiments More science is decided for the future!
4148 Finished Shannon Davis Lab visit numero dos Big advice has been acquired