ID State Owner Title Description
5906 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Evening at the Pool A gathering at the pool ends with ribs and conversations between newly-found friends.
5792 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Late Night Conversation Henry and Kassandra chat about this place, late night. Cookies are had.
5576 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Leftovers! Gabby and Kassandra have the remainder of the brisket and discuss their abilities. Plans are made for Kass to show off at a later date.
5563 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Brisket Night! Friday Brisket happens at Xavier's. Everyone comes to eat and to meet the new kid. Plans are made to do this again.
5540 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Flowers in the Attic Kassandra shows what she can do. Ororo is impressed and wants to know more.
5527 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Lakeside Chat A meeting by the lake balloons. Kassandra tells people the reason she fishes like six times, plans are made to meet in Ororo's attic later for lessons, and Warren is declared the unofficial Lyft of Xavier's.
5450 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Backyard BBQ at Xavier's School Henry and Kassandra talk about Mutant abilities while brisket is cooked.
5341 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Lab Work Kassandra gives a demonstration of her power and Hank mentioens what may happen to her after.
5310 Finished Kassandra Pagonis One Monday in Medical.... Kassandra and Paige talk about where she came from, then Warren comes in and offers to take them shopping.
5293 Finished Kassandra Pagonis In the Infirmary Sam and Beast come to visit Kassandra in the infirmary, and her powers are discussed.
5106 Finished Kassandra Pagonis Traffic Tracking down the party of the century and a drug called Opal lead two groups to a location that is not what it seems. Cloak and Dagger are scary. Scott and Hank are threatening. Emma tries new drugs, and a new friend is found.