ID State Owner Title Description
16939 Finished Roxanne Spaulding Pincers, Are There? Dancing the night away at Club Sion!
16802 Finished Roxanne Spaulding Here, Kitty Kitty Roxie gets a little visit from Victor Creed. Thankfully, Roy comes to the rescue!
16738 Finished Roxanne Spaulding NYE in NYC Roy and Roxie ring in the New Year far above Times Square.
16718 Finished Roxanne Spaulding (Cannibal) Angels We Have Heard On High Arsenal, Freefall, and the Shadow discover a metahuman and organ trafficking scheme in Chinatown! Pt 1 of many.
16625 Finished Roxanne Spaulding Booourns Roy and Roxie look like they're going to canoodle, but have to find other plans. Alas.
16607 Finished Roxanne Spaulding The Cole Hard Truth Roxie asks for help and ends up being disappointed.
16599 Finished Roxanne Spaulding Better Than Lockheed Sabretooth is contracted to steal a green kitty-furby-alien. Shenanigans ensue.
16593 Finished Roxanne Spaulding You Will Be Judged Pt 1 M and 'Jenny' save a young man who is chased by the lovechildren of Omega Sentinels and the Phalanx. Just what are they facing?
5848 Finished Roxanne Spaulding im a baroness No description
5829 Finished Roxanne Spaulding Flat Broke In Flatbush A punk and a goth walk into a barbell piercing. LMAO but seriously. That is exactly what happens, except by 'walk' we mean 'commit a felony'. Is it MURDER, TREASON, BURGLARY, or VANDALISM? Read on to find out. page Roxy or Ellie if you want to send us congratulations on being awesome.