ID State Owner Title Description
14579 Finished Lex Luthor The New Vice President A new Vice President is announced and he makes waves reorganising the way Superheroes operate under the law with proposed new legislation.
14353 Finished Lex Luthor HYDRA and the Fall of New York HYDRA attacks New York City with giant teleporting super sentinel robots. The heroes are ready and they respond in kind.
13696 Finished Lex Luthor State of Alarm A historic moment. The villains plot is almost entirely uncovered and the heroes are ahead of the curve. The POTUS brought together as many of the biggest heroic names he could muster to take on this challenge before HYDRA has a chance to attack.
13429 Finished Lex Luthor The Vehicle of The Future, Today Batman and Donna investigate a tech startup that is supposed to be making electric cars. Instead they're making death satellites using Brainiac technology. This fully operation HYDRA base is no match for the dynamic duo though. Hostages are rescued and West Virginia has a new hole in the ground.
13427 Finished Lex Luthor The Prototype Sentinel Shaw calls Lex asking why the heck there's a Sentinel at a US Military base. When they go to investigate, Lex makes the decision to have it shut down and shipped to Shaw Industries --- when the thing turns on and attacc. Luckily, the X-Men and allies also came to investigate or else there might not have been any survivors, President Luthor included.
13357 Finished Lex Luthor The Rededication of Lady Liberty The Statue of Liberty is reopened and the journalists take an opportunity to throw poignant questions at the President who is, characteristically, ready for them. Are the Chinese right, is Lex Luthor actually putting weapons in to space?
13333 Finished Lex Luthor Disaster on Space LeX 17 The crew of Space LeX 17 are saved thanks to Four Amazons, Burning Man, and Jean. The strange cargo that caused the catastrophe has been quelled. The shuttle itself is going to need some TLC from the ground crew.
155 Finished Lex Luthor E Pluribus Unum: Building Tomorrow Lex Luthor makes a not-so-shocking announcement. #Lex2020