ID State Owner Title Description
5947 Finished Riri Williams The Muppets Take Manhattan No description
5557 Finished Riri Williams A quiet discussion Viv and Riri talk about growing up, showers, and mutual study. Showers and Spacesuits involved!
2083 Finished Riri Williams International Collaboration Riri and Shuri continue their collaboration, Shuri offers a field trip.
675 Finished Riri Williams Meeting of the Minds pt2 Shuri visits Riri's lab, they talk tech, and Riri gets a potential invite to the Embassy.
588 Finished Riri Williams Meeting of the Minds Riri meets Shuri, there is mutual marveling over eachother's work, and plans are made for possible collaboration
69 Finished Riri Williams To infinity... Tony comes to visit Riri after tracking her down... He is not a cop.
62 Finished Riri Williams Flight of the Navigator Riri tests the Ironheart armor Mk I and helps Kate Bishop stop a robbery. It's all captured on cellphone!