ID State Owner Title Description
5799 Finished Daniel Hastings Old Friend Reaches Out Dan reaches out to an old friend to try and get a feel for what happened to SHIELD. As always Peggy plays her cards close to the chest but a detante between them is reached.
4699 Finished Daniel Hastings Parking For Residents Only A pair of old Brits chat about the Blues then part company.
2124 Finished Daniel Hastings Sanity Break Dan and Val have lunch and catch up. Thankfully, Valeria was kidding about getting complacent and hanging out more with Johnny.. wasn't she?
2049 Finished Daniel Hastings Truth Be Told Daniel affirms to Peggy Carter that he's not an apparition and apologizes to her for leaving SHIELD.
1656 Finished Daniel Hastings A farewell to arms. Daniel shares with Daisy that he's resigned from SHIELD.
1585 Finished Daniel Hastings Bowling for Science! Daniel heads out to bowl and consider his future when a happenstance meeting with Doctor Henry McCoy offers a light at the end of the tunnel.
1565 Finished Daniel Hastings Shield Briefing - Talk to the Animals! Daniel gives a briefing on his research into communicating with the shadow creatures and things don't go well.
1542 Finished Daniel Hastings SHIELD! On Ice! Daniel heard the rumors of Agent Carter's revivivification and came to pay his respects. Sadly, there was no ice skating involved.
1526 Finished Daniel Hastings The road less travelled. An afternoon jog on the country trail surrounding the Triskelion leads Hastings to meet the lastest recruit, Angelo Tampambulos (who is totally not Achilles).
1518 Finished Daniel Hastings Eureka! Here, Fido! A discussion of how to interact with the shadow creatures musically gets good results.
1374 Finished Daniel Hastings Science can Daring Do! A routine check of surveillance euipment turns into a foiled burglary attempt.
1360 Finished Daniel Hastings SCIENCE! But it's a secret. Daniel invites Valeria Richards to assist R&D with a solution to the shadowy menace in Metropolis.
1318 Finished Daniel Hastings Coffee Is Life The Beans of Java inspired much debate into Artifacts of Yore and the shadow assaults within Metropolis.
1251 Finished Daniel Hastings The Stark Expo day 2 No description
1139 Finished Daniel Hastings Murphy's Laws of Dating #4 What was supposed to be a surprise.. ended up being a surprise. Still, as first meetings with dad go, Daniel calls it a succes.
1127 Finished Daniel Hastings When Chinese Food Takes Out You 2020 A Living Space Odyssey where a tough conversation about the role of SHIELD is had.
1116 Finished Daniel Hastings Agents After Hours Dane and Daniel discuss life the universe and women. It turns out everything is coming up roses after all.
1110 Finished Daniel Hastings One More Again With his last sample given, Daniel inquires after cultural advice only to find his fellow scientist just as clueless.
1038 Finished Daniel Hastings The Hills Are Alive Alas, Julie Andrews did not appear but Dan and Val had deep discussions about SCIENCE!
1001 Finished Daniel Hastings Diners Drive-Ins and Kree A meeting to discuss xenolinguistics and Kree culture turns to an invitation to a Latverian Embassy.. are the Kree more dangerous than Von Doom!?
981 Finished Daniel Hastings It's time for Science! There was much deliberation over a data crystal with more work to be done!
943 Finished Daniel Hastings Getting stoned with a synthetic being. Agent Hastings seeks advice from Vision to no avail. Yet there is hope in the form of.. Doctor Strange?
897 Finished Daniel Hastings There's no such thing as down time. A pleasant chat between agents results in Coulson triggering Daniel's ptsd.
854 Finished Daniel Hastings SHIELD was never there. Mission Accomplished!
846 Finished Daniel Hastings When Stones Collide A conversation with Vision leads to much food for thought.
704 Finished Daniel Hastings SHIELD Briefing: NK Crisis With the briefing concluded, Daniel will soon get HALO training. Successful or not, the DPRK will never know what hit it.
683 Finished Daniel Hastings Happy Harbor Prom 2020 Much fun was had by all and with minimal property damage!
676 Finished Daniel Hastings Tavern time in old Mutant Town Power Girl appears to watch the news and everyone agrees Caradenza needs to go. This is hardly a surprise in Mutant Town.
589 Finished Daniel Hastings A deal he couldn't refuse. After discussing the state of affairs at Happy Harbor High, there was much pie to be eaten.
571 Finished Daniel Hastings Tea In The Park Lara and Daniel wax on about each other's talents until the conversation segues to.. pizza?
520 Finished Daniel Hastings Filling the Hollow Leg Daniel promises Sam an excursion to ease tensions.
445 Finished Daniel Hastings What's in an era? Tea. It's a British thing.
286 Finished Daniel Hastings But are they really classics? Daniel gains a much needed friend.
262 Finished Daniel Hastings The Widowmaker Surprise At least she didn't break anything...
126 Finished Daniel Hastings Not the Moulin Rouge Bobbi and Hastings talk about the future and SHIELD.
99 Finished Daniel Hastings I'm a what!? Daniel is relieved to know he's not contagious.
67 Finished Daniel Hastings It's broken.. but still good. Tony invites all to a mystery event and a mad scientist stays angry.
33 Finished Daniel Hastings Smoker's Paradise Two people seeking introspection meet on a roof.