ID State Owner Title Description
13697 Finished Pete Ross The Liberation of Pete Ross A brave group of heroes goes in search of Pete Ross and finds in their way the biggest HYDRA military base any of them has ever seen.
13481 Finished Pete Ross Conspiracy and Amazon Home Security Pete Ross makes a break through, figuring out who high up in the US Government is HYDRA and the proof to lock them away for good. If only he wasn't abruptly teleported out of his home at that very moment before he could unmask the villain. Teleporting in, some HYDRA goons there to clean up the scene run in to the wraith of the Amazons.
13329 Finished Pete Ross The Department of Conspiracy Clark and Pete catch up for 'lunch'.. Pete confides in his journalist friend that someone very high up in the DoD and government is likely working for HYDRA and may be in the motion of starting something big.