ID State Owner Title Description
14129 Finished Delores Klein Deliveries Ariah delivers the gold and receives new burdens.
13944 Finished Delores Klein Round About Questioning Detective Chimp comes to grill Delores Klein about The Artificer.
13712 Finished Delores Klein Bad Book People are breaking into a used bookstore for a bad book. It gets stolen! By one of them.
12573 Finished Delores Klein Pigless Iron Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles looking for help after someone powdered his apartment floor with iron. Luckly, Detective Chimp was there to take the case!
12515 Finished Delores Klein The Wrong Supplement Delores makes Donovan a potion to help him with his migraines. He drinks too much at once and gets knocked out for a fortnight. Oops?
12484 Finished Delores Klein Sorry D. Chimpanzee Detective Chimp brings Delores something to say he's sorry. Turns out it's incredibly valuable to her. He also has a request.
12411 Finished Delores Klein Measure of a Monkey Delores Klein examines Detective Chimp...from out of the room? Secrets are kept. Probably more secrets than either of them individually realize.
12366 Finished Delores Klein Sleepless Moonchild Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles hoping for an herbal remedy. He finds two!
12347 Finished Delores Klein Chimps Need Healing, Too Detective Chimp comes into Klein's Bottles looking for a few special herbs. He and Delores have a private talk about supernatural things in the staff breakroom.
12325 Finished Delores Klein Al's Chemists Delores seeks out a source of magical energy and finds a graffiti artist named Hex. Delores observes her, then bounces.
12312 Finished Delores Klein Unexpected Rooftop Visitors No description
12286 Finished Delores Klein That's not a thief, its...! June does all the heavy-lifting breaking into a vault to snag some glowing, green rock for a client. Meanwhile, the Artificer slips in on her coattails and LOOKS AT THE ROCK! What nerve!
12277 Finished Delores Klein Misshapen Identities Delores gets three steaks! Then Thomas and Michael take them from her (to be fair, they did order them). The men are upset about the quality of the writers on their show. Delores is thoroughly bamboosled. Also: "Foist!"