ID State Owner Title Description
16701 Finished Detective Chimp A new case for the chimp Info is gathered but the client disapears
16122 Finished Detective Chimp An evening at the park. No description
15739 Finished Detective Chimp A night away from normal haunts New people are met and news discussed.
14702 Finished Detective Chimp A Bloke and a Chimp Chimp gets a job to track John and Not John.
14512 Finished Detective Chimp A night out letting the fur down. Man or Animal, Manamal? Probably not.
14006 Finished Detective Chimp A big belly burger, info and catching up No description
13167 Finished Detective Chimp Chimps bring the most interesting things. Experiments are planned and dinner is made
12374 Finished Detective Chimp Out for a bit And the Chimp and the Cat chat