ID State Owner Title Description
17087 Finished Monica Chang What Are We Watching Alexander has a squatter in his apartment. Who stole his PS3
16949 Finished Monica Chang Pivot Moving in Day for Alexander
16715 Finished Monica Chang How HAL Got His Name Monica gives HAL a voice! And the truth of his name comes out.
16283 Finished Monica Chang Don't Shoot the Messenger Matt is looking for Skye but instead meets Monica who drills him for information.
16068 Finished Monica Chang Unexpected Complications HAL is acting oddly. Discussion is had. Including the nature of godhood.
15900 Finished Monica Chang Knight to Asgardian Chess in the park with an Asgardian prince.
15801 Finished Monica Chang Bacon AND Waffles Wade and Monica share a meal and conversation. Nothing to see here. Move along.
15050 Finished Monica Chang Is There Enough Beer In The World The rules of Paper Football are explained. Poorly. Thus leading to Wade getting hit. Is anyone surprised?
14907 Finished Monica Chang Attempt Number 736 Wade becomes an official SHIELD agent. Or at least lies and says he is. Drinks and conversation were had. No one died.
14758 Finished Monica Chang HAL GPT HAL gets some more testing and Natasha consults for some better equipment on the Savage Land challenge.
14312 Finished Monica Chang The Price of Business: Phone Call Aftermath Alexander gets a phone call from his father and Evil Women (tm) are eavesdropping thus leading to lots of questions.
14068 Finished Monica Chang Discordants: Getting to Know You An unlikely source gives a glimmer of hope to solving the attacks committed by the Dark Elves. Future plans need to be made before advancing.
13553 Finished Monica Chang It's Beginning to Look...Tacky. Really Tacky. Elves decorate the R&D labs for the Holidays! The level of taste may be questionable to most normal people.
13265 Finished Monica Chang Along Came a Spider In a training exercise for new recruits, Alexander may have met his match! Or at least he gets beat up. A little.
13223 Finished Monica Chang Dress For the Job You Want Time to Play Dressup. Alexander and Monica prepare for an op with the help of Jane.
13199 Finished Monica Chang One Chance for First Impressions Monica and Daisy take on a Hydra base. Things don't go as planned. Do they ever?
13108 Finished Monica Chang Who Was That Masked Man During a mission in Hungary, Monica is helped by a mysterious SHIELD agent.