ID State Owner Title Description
13860 Finished Veronique Lalonde After last call and before the sun rises. Veronique's assumptions on how she could cap off the night definitely do not come to pass. Instead she's brought face to face with the realities of where field work can lead to, for one of the few people she gives a damn about. Playing nurse has never been a life goal or talent, but being thrown into the situation makes Veronique try to rise to the occasion. RIP hotel room.
13836 Finished Veronique Lalonde Circling back and touching base Veronique checks up on the progress of ~the project~ that Caleb is putting together. Before that happens she is introduced to video of a recent horrific event in Gotham to Caleb specifically. Stuff that makes Veronique want to avoid the city's dark alleys.
13431 Finished Veronique Lalonde If Vogue Ever Comes Calling... A delivery job turns into something far more interesting and potentially profitable for the future. Deals are made and clothes are tumble dried.