ID State Owner Title Description
17122 Finished Casey Brinke Traffic Infringement Notice Patrol What do you do when the police impound your time machine? Why, you go to Nelson & Murdock of course!
16841 Finished Casey Brinke Parking Patrol Casey has misplaced a time machine. Lara fixes a traffic jam.
16434 Finished Casey Brinke Sage Patrol No description
16300 Finished Casey Brinke Paint Patrol The Doom Patrol seek out some street art but they find the Vectra Corporation taking an unnatural interest in some living art. Paint guns saved the day. Gar was on loan, hopefully the fees aren't too expensive for his help.
16147 Finished Casey Brinke Casey Patrol Fuckety-second century hero turns up and requests action from the laziest superhero team ever. For some reason they agree.