ID State Owner Title Description
17399 Paused Flatline They Keep Getting Younger
17242 Finished Flatline Saif and Sounds of Horror TRIGGER WARNINGS: Violence, stabbing, threat of injury to genitals, language, horror, boba tea Damian calls in Ravager and Flatline to assist in an interrogation. Saif Hassan isn't killed -- in keeping with the principles of The Batman -- but they don't have to save him from what lurks in Slaughter Swamp.
17147 Finished Flatline Assassin's Ball The Assassin's Ball in the Aegean Sea, mingling and making friends, and shrimps consumed by the Yeen-load.
17144 Finished Flatline Robin Hotline Flatline seeks out the closest thing to a heroic friend to... dump something that needs a hero on his lap.
17056 Finished Flatline Scratch my Back... Robin confronts Flatline, FLatline asks him to give her a hand... Robin ends up saving the day.
16943 Finished Flatline Paper, Scissors... Flatline's work is interrupted by some nerd with a paper wolf-boar and Irie AKA Kid Flash, Fastest Girl Alive