ID State Owner Title Description
17845 Finished Corben Kelly No One Should Eat Bacon Alone A ginger wolf shows up just in the nick of time to save Corben from angry vampires. Tied to Corben by fate, Liam likely isn't going anywhere - ever - even after the bacon's gone in the morning.
17782 Finished Corben Kelly Raven's Nest Grand Opening Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest.
17743 Finished Corben Kelly Nursery Nightmare: It's a Gas. Members of the Justice League Dark come together to save the school, and possibly the city, from a lonely fart.
17715 Finished Corben Kelly Sh*t Never Just Goes Bump. Sara recruits Corben to the JLD, it could be the most terrible idea ever.
17398 Finished Corben Kelly Metal Mayhem, Literally Rock and Trolls collide into chaotic mayhem at the appropriately named, Metal Mayhem bar. But the day is saved by a few of the Xer crew, a fallen angel, a vampire and a slacker potion slinger. Only in NY.
17333 Finished Corben Kelly Meeting Daddy Ted. Corben meets Clara's 'father' and survives the encounter and Blue finds herself burdened with a new responsibility.
17291 Finished Corben Kelly The Open Door: Maybe we should talk Information's shared, the heroes learn a little more than they knew before, but of the utmost importance, Kib's wasn't really running away.
17053 Finished Corben Kelly To Kiss a Frog Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom?