ID State Owner Title Description
16533 Finished Mortimer Toynbee Queens and Toads Selene presses Toad into service and gives him a message.
4776 Finished Mortimer Toynbee Toadally Legal Business Toad gets Johnny Storm to try out the hot new drug AMPH. Torch just can't say no!
4430 Finished Mortimer Toynbee Big Mouths All Around Toad robs a subway and gets his bravado stolen by Joker.
4271 Finished Mortimer Toynbee Mr. Toad's Wild RIde Toad drives his own makeshift assault vehicle through upstate New York while Rogue looks to stop him and the two reminisce about old times.
4209 Finished Mortimer Toynbee Do You Know What Happens When You Burn a Toad? Toad's tonic transaction terminated thanks to Torch, terribly traumatizes typical tenant.