ID State Owner Title Description
9209 Finished Sam Wilson How To Resolve Interpersonal Conflict At Work Jon and Cael are forced to sit down and air out their issues. By Sam.
8703 Finished Sam Wilson The Doctor Is In (Medbay) Sam checks up on one of his two new trainees. Jon passes on a message. They have tea.
8567 Finished Sam Wilson Training Days Sam puts two SHIELD agents through their paces in an early morning training session. Falcon Jr. takes flight, and the Archivist throws some punches.
8479 Finished Sam Wilson SHIELD Nacho Night A group of SHIELD agents converge on the recreation room for a night of nachos and margaritas and nothing really terrible happens, aside for the invention of a new form of chemical warfare. It all ends with a ghostly revelation.
8440 Finished Sam Wilson Into the Zone: Great Falls A rescue team of SHIELD agents enter an area of anomalous red fog on the Potomac River. Inside, the rules of time and space need not apply. This time, at least, everyone makes it out unscathed... except for their quinjet pilot.
8286 Finished Sam Wilson Non-Irradiated Boozy Brunch Cael and Sam catch up over brunch. It's 5 o'clock somewhere on the planet, so brunch includes alcohol, which is maybe the only reason why they manage to have a whole discussion about serious emotional topics.
7334 Finished Sam Wilson Open Circuit, Loose Threads Red Robin and Anarky investigate a lead on a case they've been working on together. Someone takes notice.
7110 Finished Sam Wilson Insert Clever Title Here No description
6934 Finished Sam Wilson It's Always Time for Brunch Two regular-ass people sit down for a regular-ass brunch. They definitely don't talk about HYDRA.
6885 Finished Sam Wilson Ultimutt Road Trip Sam and Bucky catch up on their regularly scheduled capital-t Talks while on the way to pick up the one and only Best Girl Lili Barnes and bring her back home. Also, they have cheesesteaks!
6824 Finished Sam Wilson Code 084: 1943 pt.3 The team makes it back from 1943. Everything's fine! Yeah... juuuuust fine.
6802 Finished Sam Wilson Departure Into Unknown Lands Sam and Bucky go on a roadtrip! Nothing terrible happens for once, but they still need Morrigan to show up for a Hail Mo(ry).
6781 Finished Sam Wilson 1943: The Trolley Problem Cael and Sam bond over a bottle of whiskey and their shared dislike of time travel.
6661 Finished Sam Wilson Once Upon a Dr--Nightmare Things you shouldn't do to avoid dealing with your trauma: a. eat your feelings, b. drive recklessly, c. get black-out drunk. Things that Bucky and/or Sam do in this scene: all of the above.
5350 Finished Sam Wilson I'm Getting Too Old For This Carl "Crusher" Creel, the Absorbing Man, attempts to snag a necklace for his wife Titania from downtown Jersey City. Things don't go well for him or the city, but luckily the Blue Marvel is on hand to take care of the immediate threat.
5286 Finished Sam Wilson Nihil's Day Off Sam Wilson and Nihil decide to get some grub in Brooklyn so that Nihil can experience a slice of normal human life. Batroc the Leaper shows up to complicate matters--but only momentarily.
2671 Finished Sam Wilson SHIELD Staff Eval: Cecily Winters Agents May and Wilson perform a verbal evaluation on Trainee Winters
2268 Finished Sam Wilson Genosha Burns! Plan and Scan A SHIELD team investigates the Bushwick crater using scanning tech from Tony Stark and Dr. Jane Foster, and locates a city bus that was shrunk to just a couple of centimeters in length.
2202 Finished Sam Wilson Wakandan Aid A SHIELD team goes to the Wakandan embassy to ask Princess Shuri for her assistance against Brainiac's invasion force.
1829 Finished Sam Wilson The Mockingbird Takes Flight Sam takes Bobbi up to test out her wings. The wings glow! The results, not so much.
1698 Finished Sam Wilson Good Time to Meet at the Good Room Sam goes to get a drink at the Good Room and meets Nicole. Their chat is interrupted, but taken care of - and Nicole asks Sam out for a drink later.
1657 Finished Sam Wilson A Missing Student Situation Sam informs Morrigan and Daniel on Andi's abscences and they make plans on the next step.
1358 Finished Sam Wilson Recovery Room Visitations Morrigan drops in to visit Sam while he recovers and learn more about each other.
1349 Finished Sam Wilson This Scene's For the Birds Falcon, Journey and Silk take down the Penguin... but at a cost. What happened to Sam?
1279 Finished Sam Wilson What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse? Megan drops in on Sam for some advice on the future. Unfortunately full-time superhero is not a college course yet.
1261 Finished Sam Wilson Post-Orientation Chatter Sam drops in on Morrigan after the first day he's spent at Happy Harbor.
1250 Finished Sam Wilson It's been 782 Days Since An Attempted Lois Lane Kidnapping... Taskmaster kidnaps Lois to draw out SHIELD agents. But was it a real kidnapping or was there another reason behind it?
1244 Finished Sam Wilson Counseling Morrigan Sam pays a visit to Happy Harbor about a job and has a good conversation with Morrigan and a trial run at the school.