ID State Owner Title Description
8788 Finished Oswald Cobblepot Evening at the Iceberg Lounge Oswald Cobblepot corrupts the youth, or at least makes a good first impression.
5006 Finished Oswald Cobblepot A Meeting of Gentlemen Penguin and Falcone met to carry out a business transaction. Is this the start of an unholy alliance? Only time will tell!
3560 Finished Oswald Cobblepot A Jewel Heist! And so The Penguin has escaped! But little does he knowthe tracker placed on him by Spoiler or the card he unluckily left! The heroes have a clue to where he'll be next! What is happening at Haverford's Freezer Warehouse? What did The Penguin Mean by turning Gotham into a glacier? Find out next time!