ID State Owner Title Description
14204 Finished Alopex Pizza Time The gang had pizza and appreciated Kai a lot. Woo!
13675 Finished Alopex The Year in Review: Stuff Happened The trio tries to have a Pizza at Rupert's with no issue, then they find out Kainashi has been kidnapped and mind-controlled by NULL.
13551 Finished Alopex Under Siege Alopex and company fend off some Purple Dragons and find a phone that may lead to the reason why they are hanging around the Thain Forest.
3961 Finished Alopex Back to Square One The pair comes back home and discusses their recent trip.
2363 Finished Alopex Rumble in the Bronx! The Foot Clan tries to rob four stores and gets stopped by 5 heroes.
2174 Finished Alopex Rupert's Raid! After a gang of robbers rob Rupert's, the turtle family gets a whole lot bigger. Pizza is shared, communications are (soon to be) setup.
1801 Finished Alopex Food Straight From Hell's Kitchen! What could possibly go wrong? Alopex and Sally attempt to, once again, just enjoy dinner without being interrupted. They succeed!
691 Finished Alopex Enemy or Alley? A Misunderstanding leads to an unlikely team-up.