ID State Owner Title Description
15212 Finished Kai Smells Like: Trouble in the Subway Batman, Daredevil, Fleece and Kai. Not the latest superband, but definitely a performance seven thugs and Kevin Noh will not soon forget.
14612 Finished Kai Hot Dog in a Hot Car on a Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen When someone tries to make off with a mercedes with a little passenger in the back seat, Sundance, Emiko Queen, and Kai make short work of a run-away car
14280 Finished Kai Canine Unit Raphael comes across Kainashi and the two kick some butt in an alleyway, then dine on chicharrones.
14060 Finished Kai Getting the Steps in Kainashi is allowed to take short jaunts outside the lair during her recovery. She bumps into Sundance, who shares Jellybeans with her.
14034 Finished Kai Reconnection: Kai's homecoming No description
13976 Finished Kai Kainashi Leashed: Null Labs NULL gets wrecked. Dogs get rescued. Kai is enroute home. Thanks to: Alopex Donatello Raphael Sundance Sally
13975 Finished Kai Kainashi Leashed: Central Park NULL unleashes Kainashi in Central Park with intent to maim and do harm. Luckily several of her friends and family have taken issue with Null's treatment of bully breed mutants. Newcomer SUNDANCE and Incidental RICHARD STADLER join SALLY PRIDE, LEONARDO and A VERY VERY ANGRY ALOPEX
13912 Finished Kai Null Day at the Zoo When Null's project dog is let loose on the Central Park Zoo's inaugeral Valentine's nights, M (Monet St. Croix) and Maul (Jeremy Stone) arrive to play dog-catcher.
13606 Finished Kai Unlearned Silence: An Introduction When a decaying neighborhood in the Bronx falls victim to a live test of Null's, recent escapee Sundance is there to cause trouble and swear revenge. He 'meets' a mutant pitbull with red and white coloring who wrecked the place, before being called back by Null. Alopex is going to be *so mad* when she finds out.
8496 Finished Kai Truck, not Treat Leo, Raph and Kainashi don't exactly go Trick or Treating, but do stop a drunk driver from taking down some kids.
7594 Finished Kai Shadow Spider and Kai: Rooftop No description
7155 Finished Kai Kai and Shadow-Spider: Claremont Park A RunAway Van, a Shadow Spider, and a Ninja Dog walk into a park...
6260 Finished Kai Dog Run Roland Livingston is walking through the Bronx, when he comes upon -- GASP! A mugging!
5873 Finished Kai Punk Rock in Brooklyn Mania and Kainashi fight bad guys, establish peace through mutual head scritches.
5057 Finished Kai Return of the Shredder: Kainashi's Report Kainashi reports to Alopex what the Foot were doing in Brooklyn. Part of the Return of the Shredder arc
4847 Finished Kai Return of the Shredder: Alleyway Aftermath The 'Good Guys' take a pause in the alleyways after fighting The Foot to take notes and trade numbers -- as... you know... girls do...?
4565 Finished Kai Fox and Hound: More things Change No description
4312 Finished Kai Dog on Wheels No description
4131 Finished Kai Doggie in the Window Alopex and Kainashi are going to the mall!
3767 Finished Kai Down on the Farm No description
3762 Finished Kai Dog on the Farm No description
3685 Finished Kai Until You Decide to Wake Up Kainashi returns from a patrol to check on Donatello, and briefly meets the aged Master Splinter, whom she promptly defends Donatello from. Donatello wakes up from his injuries. There is fluffiness, and a forbidden room.
3580 Finished Kai Grand Slam Casey Jones and Kainashi meet in a dark alley way -- for FRIENDSHIP and VIDEOGAMES! Alopex arrives for MORE FRIENDSHIP AND VIDEOGAMES! ... also beware any time Casey and Kai get to cut loose, the collateral damage will be pricey.
3512 Finished Kai Confrontations in the Rain Leonardo confronts former Foot Clan mutant Kainashi, about her intentions with his family. Kainashi immediately breaks and states Donnie is, indeed, her (very gentle) squeeze.
3450 Finished Kai DonKai: Checking In II - A Walk in the Park Walking in the park, Donatello and Kainashi come upon two kids getting bullied.
3408 Finished Kai DonKai: Checking in Donnie and Kainashi check in after Dom the Bomb's capture of the latter. Kai is concerned about Donnie's hands, Don's concerned about Kai's head and the future.
3262 Finished Kai Didn't choose the Pug life... Kainashi needs to be rescued after being hit by a truck! Alopex and Donatello mean business. There is a giraffe.
3028 Finished Kai DonKai: Date Night Date night for Kainashi and Donatello. Some hilarity, some touching moments, and a second date is totally in the future!
2993 Finished Kai Fox and Hound: Life Lessons No description
2883 Finished Kai The Awkward Continues! Donatello and Kainashi meet again for continued awkward and less cologne. Donatello struggles with Kainashi not knowing what a date is, exactly, and Kai shares her real name with Donnie.
2731 Finished Kai Rooftop Meetings Up on the rooftop, sharing cheeseburger pizza and Mega-hurts -- err... megahertz. Kainashi learns about Cellphones, and Donatello learns that dogs don't like Axe.
2637 Finished Kai Teenage Mutant Greasy Monkeys ... wait.... No description
2627 Finished Kai Talents Kainashi and Raphael meet by coincidence on a rooftop. The two talk music, Alopex, The Foot, and Birthday parties.
2624 Finished Kai The Bigger dey is-- No description
2608 Finished Kai Paper Moths At home with Kainashi and Alopex. The Hound and Fox have a frank conversation. Kai still has no idea what a Sausage Party is.
2424 Finished Kai Trick Dogs No description
2041 Finished Kai Stomp the Foot Donatello and Kainashi get sprung upon by the Foot -- who are chasing Kainashi for other reasons! Donatello gets to be heroic -- isn't that what everyone wants?
2005 Finished Kai Dogpile No description
1934 Finished Kai Dog Days Kainashi, Vorpal, Alopex, Raphael and Donatello are all on various rooftops when a spontaneous one-sided game of Tag commences.
1711 Finished Kai Shur-i-can't! Donatello looks for his lost shuriken, and instead finds THE POWER OF INFRARED FRIENDSHIP! Kainashi makes a friend.
1629 Finished Kai Unleashed No description
1235 Finished Kai Beasts in the Bronx While trying to save Kainashi from a group of young thugs, Raphael and the former Foot mutant get dropped into a swampy pool. Raph finds out Kainashi isn't as dumb as she acts, but isn't willing to be friends just yet.
1113 Finished Kai Burgers and Trouble It's never a lucky night for Alopex and Sally Pride, as they venture forth to the Ground Cow's Knee Automat Custom Burger Shoppe, specifically created to serve people who want privacy while eating a burger. They were moments from ordering when the shots rang out! Heroically saving the day (and probably getting their next meal free), Sally and Alopex put some would-be exortionists in their place.
804 Finished Kai Foot Mutt Background Story between Alopex and the mutant who become known as Kainashi, leading up to the Fairbanks Incident.
397 Finished Kai =A mutant called Dog In 2017, the Fox and the Hound meet. Alopex decides she can't leave 'Dog' to her sorry state.