ID State Owner Title Description
17334 Finished Sally Pride Introduction to Mutant Town Sally introduces Sma'shaw to Mutant Town.
15938 Finished Sally Pride Mugs and Jugs A mutant lioness and non-mutant juggernaught cross pathes at a bar, have some drinks and talk together.
13413 Finished Sally Pride Mutanimal Monkey Business While on a case in NYC Detective Chimp notices more 'animal people' and investigates.
5327 Finished Sally Pride Fast and the Furry-ous Mutant crew busts up a street racer gang that pilfered a bunch of Null vehicle tech.
4266 Finished Sally Pride One Man's Trash Is Another Mutant's Toolcrib A bit of friend bonding between Raphael and Sally while she's cleaning up her area of the mall lair.
3324 Finished Sally Pride Keeping In The Loops Donatello fills Sally in on recent events and a possible new threat to mutants.