ID State Owner Title Description
15429 Finished Jennifer Stavros It Ain't Always Luck Serendipity and Emma Frost give Jennifer the latest underground gossip.
15076 Finished Jennifer Stavros Checking in whether you want to or not Jennifer gets the word on her association with Wade and company from Emma Frost.
3380 Finished Jennifer Stavros In Need of Hot Joe Roulette encounters Drake in Salem Center and once again betrays her nature. Damn all you people for rubbing off on her.
3112 Finished Jennifer Stavros The Replacement Marie Roulette meets Firestar and takes her under her wing. Don't tell people she was nice.
2800 Finished Jennifer Stavros Moving In! Marie's best friend and her girlfriend bond over moving.
2071 Finished Jennifer Stavros The Smell of Victory The collected young mutants face their new arch nemesis, the Swedish speedster, Fart!
2069 Finished Jennifer Stavros Senior Trip In Monaco, Roulette is caught cheating with her powers and a deal is made for her freedom and funds.
1638 Finished Jennifer Stavros A Goth, a French Girl, and the Worst Walk into the Kitchen Roulette and Tarot meet Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Roulette learns Tarot plans to leave the US after graduation. She is displeased.
1379 Finished Jennifer Stavros On the First Day of Jenny's Birthday... On the first day of Jennymas, Jenny gave to everybody: cake. And got an awful lot of awesome gifts.
768 Finished Jennifer Stavros The Worst Best Friend Hellions playing pool. Jenny is the Britta of this group.
687 Finished Jennifer Stavros The Delinquency of a Minor Mutants at a human beach party. Nobody got hurt, Laura.
569 Finished Jennifer Stavros Welcome to ESU Future Empire State University students meet at a Future Freshmen orientation.