Owner Pose
Oliver Queen It's your typical day in the Arrow Cave. Oliver was running through Felicity's favorite exercises (the salmon ladder, naturally) while Felicity was conducting techno-wizardry. As Oliver puts that ladder through its paces (it was hardly a case of vice versa), he engages absently in conversation.

"I was thinking that perhaps we ought to put those new trackers to the test on that weapons smuggling operation we were tracking out of Metropolis."

*clank* *clank*

"Have you been able to get them consistently miniaturized?"

He reaches the top, and then rapidly *clankclankclank*s his way back down.
Thea Queen Cue young sister's noticeable eyeroll when she walks into the cave. Because really.... Salmon ladder exercises in front of Felicity? And the worst thing of them all is that her brother is mostly clueless of the effect they have.

And that's what makes it fun!

"Hey, Abscity... How is it going?" She says in a very casual manner to Felicity when she gets closer to the techno-wizard table where Felicity might be at. Did she just say Abscity? The english tongue is so treacherous!

Folding arms and then she looks across to Ollie, "Isn't it too hot for those today?" more casual talk. But she seems interested on this talk about the trackers at least when she comments. "We are going out to Metropolis soon?"
Felicity Smoak Felicity's attention is most definitely diverted from the work of the moment, the so-called 'techno-wizardry'. It's a *click* here, and a *tap* there, and a slight push back of her rolly-chair in order to give herself a wider look, a chance to get all three monitors into her field of view.

As well as the sight of Oliver on that salmon ladder. The muscles.. sinew.. the..

"What?" Felicity is pulled from her brief but predictable reverie with a start, and she shakes her head, pushes her glasses up a little further on her face and repeats, "I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear for the.. uh.. banging." She pauses, shakes her head quickly, and tries again, "You said... oh. Trackers. Right."

Felicity averts her eyes and looks back at the screen, pencil in hand now that needs to be nibbled, "Yes, and no. I'm losing some function, but I might be able to make it work."

Thea's entrance is a godsend, and she turns her chair fully around to her entrance, "Thea, perfect--" What? What did she just call her? There comes an almost embarrassed smile, though it is on the sly side as if to say, 'NOT MY FAULT' before she swings around to add her own, "He's only making it hotter.

"In.. uh.. here.

"I should go turn up the air conditioning."

Felicity rises from her spot; she's sporting a summer's dress, cool and floral and a little floaty. Feminine. Definitely feminine. As she crosses the short divide towards the thermostat, she nods over her shoulder, "Road trip. And I really, really hope that the smell is finally out of the back of the van, or I'm not going."
Oliver Queen Dropping down to the ground, Oliver reaches out to grab a towel, and presses it to his face. "Yeah, I think that's on the docket," he remarks to Thea as he makes his way over towards Felicity as well. He flashes a grin and a wink to his sister at the name for Felicity - he may very well have an understanding now of just what the salmon ladder does.

"I'm thinking that if we can get them small enough, maybe we can find a way to sneak undercover as a buyer, slip them into the cash, and hopefully get back to the big storage facility." He tosses the towel over his shoulder as he comes to lean against Felicity's desk opposite her. "And depending upon how quickly they'll scan, we may need to be ready to divide and conquer and hit the store the same night we drop the tracker, which means I'll have to be in position and someone else needs to make the buy."

He glances towards Thea. "You been working on your 'I gotta buy some weapons' face?"
Thea Queen "Mmm, roadtrip... I can barely wait..." Another eyeroll. She's lying. Heiress girl doesn't particularly like going on some stinking van to missions. But oh well, "I will bring some incense to burn this time.." she assures Felicity. See? She's useful!

For her part Thea is dressed in way that seems to contrast with Felicity's floaty, summer dress. Hers are the black designer jeans. A crop top with glittery black and yellow that exposes her abdomen and all sharp make-up. Grrr, fierce. "The club is hosting a metal night this week.." she explains. "So got to look the part." then a look to Ollie. "Still needing to see you there. Rumors are already abound on tabloids that the Queen are at each other's throats again since the brother isn't seen there.." a smirk on her lips. "Mayb it's not too far from the truth uh?" now she's teasing.

A brow arches at that last question and her expression sobers up in that Queen-ly manner that means business, and not the kind one of business. "I am always working on my resting bitch face, Ollie."
Felicity Smoak With that quick deed taken care of, Felicity starts her way back to her desk, just in time for sweaty Oliver to lean on it. Pulling her seat out, the techie nods her head slowly. "Putting them into bills? So, if you want to track money, we need to approach it a different way." Spinning around, she's got a different screen up with just a few keyboard strikes. "'We' meaning 'I'."

As she finds her spot, Felicity begins something of a quick engineering lecture, "Now, if we're going to be tracking money, and you don't want them to know it, we're going to have to go with transparent chipsets. Which, by the way, is only NOW starting to hit the so-called 'bleeding edge' multimillion dollar companies."

She spins around to show an exploded chip on her left-most monitor screen, but that is also where Oliver leans.. and it really is a toss-up as to what she's paying more attention to. "Um.. right. Chipsets. I can program it to do pretty much anything. If you want a tracker ping, absolutely. Complete with invisible wifi access for those dead cell areas."

Pointing with a finger in Thea's direction, she adds, "Thank you. But not patchouli. That stuff clings. Maybe some nice lavender."

Brows do rise; metal night? Felicity grins as she sits back in her chair to sibling watch. It's her second favorite thing to watch. "Tabloids? You read those?" Of course they're her guilty pleasure too. She just doesn't leave them lying around the apartment!
Oliver Queen "Huh." As usual, Oliver has a considerable contribution to make on Felicity's explanation of the technology. "I think whatever works best." He has yet to go wrong with just going with her suggestions.

He tilts his head to regard her for a moment, and seems on the verge of saying something else, but then seems to think better of it. "We can figure out the plan." Then he straightens up and steps away, a benefit to Felicity's nostrils.

"You know what we should do?" asks Oliver, as he looks towards Thea. "We should leak a story to one of the tabloids, that I'm a huge fan of one of the acts that is performing at metal night. Or pick another night coming up." He flashes a grin. "You know, then I'll tweet that I'm looking forward to catching their show, but not say where. Let them all put two and two together that I'll be at the club, and we can pack the rafters with folks coming out to see an epic Queen blow-out." He nods to her. "You want practice your Lando and Han?" He places his arms out to the side. "You've got to be Lando though."

The perils of having been trapped on an island for years is that all of his pop culture refernces are still rooted in movies way too old for the current generation.
Thea Queen The look Thea gives Felicity is telling. It's that 'I know where you hide your tabloid newspapers, Felicity'. Because she has stayed there sleeping a few nights on a girl's sleepover! And being the curious cat that she is she got to look everywhere. EVERYWHERE. But no need to actually say that in front of Ollie.

And the third eyeroll of the evening when Ollie goes with a 'huh' about what Felicity said. "So even if they go underground we won't miss the link. I like that, may even get you to lend me a few ones to use on an op I am doing here in Starling..." she frowns a little. "They have been somewhat elusive.."

Ollie's idea has her first furrow her brows, then lift a brow with curiosity before her attention is finally caught and she grins at the Lando and Han reference. "Ooooh, you *do* get the good ideas when you want to..! Let's do it.." Thea never one to caring about messing with the press. But then pause....

"Why do I got to be Lando?" It looks as if she might start complaining but then she grins like a cat. "You mean, the one that thinks with their head and isn't a full on scoundrel? Yes, I suppose that fits me..." she even lifts her chin a little as if to demonstrate she has won this debacle.

"I will set it up."
Felicity Smoak Eye contact with Thea? Never. Particularly about the tabloids. Everyone, EVERYONE, knows that she's a bad liar. It's why she's almost never in the field, unless desperation strikes.

"Even if," and Felicity finger-guns at Thea. "Virtually invisible sticky onto a bill, or a card, or something, and they'll never know it's there." She nods soon after, "I'll only lend it to you if you give over," the information. She wants in!

The geek talk, Londo vs Han.. that gains a grin, and Felicity wheels forward once more, bringing up the cos-play costumes to it all. "I think we can do something with this too, assuming no one gets the joke." Though really?

"You need to see more up to date movies, Oliver. We'll figure something out, I'm sure."
Oliver Queen "That's good, that's good," nods Oliver. "Let's get that setup, stick them to maybe even a few bills just so we have some redundancy. I like it." Oliver smiles. "Maybe John can pose as the buyer, and Roy can back him up." He looks to Thea. "You want to be strike force with me?"

Laughing softly, Ollie shakes his head. "Because /Lando/ is the one who owns the club and acts all angry. And you /do/ have a better angry face than I do. I've got to play the clueless guy strolling up not knowing how people feel about him." He casts a glance sidelong towards Felicity. "I can manage that, right?"

There's a bit of a grin, and then he wipes off a bit more with the towel before tossing it in the laundry bin off to the side. "And yeah, I probably do. What say I take you out for a movie night this weekend, popcorn, soda, those little chocolate candies with those white dots on them that I swear I only see for sale in movie theaters?"