ID State Owner Title Description
13959 Finished Thea Queen The belly of the Beast No description
12628 Finished Thea Queen Resonants: Muspelheim The heroes go to Starling to recover an old amulet fabled to be of Muspelheim. But what they find wasn't what they were expecting, though that's the life of a hero.
12588 Finished Thea Queen Resonants: Fire Starter Thea and Vintridr meet up at the Verdant where they talk of the past and learn of a threat in Starling that may be related to Asgard. Rasr of Muspelheim.
10724 Finished Thea Queen Securing the Glades Turns out a raid on a Montesi building at the Glades turns into an explosive trap for Vin and Thea. They get out alive but Vin's ninja outfit doesn't survive.
9858 Finished Thea Queen A walk down the Glades Pepper is visiting the Glades with two no-good Councilmen. Thea and Alexander run interception and save Pepper from the two politicians.
9617 Finished Thea Queen You are an archer, Alex It's a WIP.
9433 Finished Thea Queen The Verdant's soft opening It's New Year and Thea brings Alexander to the New Year opening of the Verdant! Yay! No more being 'In Construction'
9328 Finished Thea Queen Gift Exchange Alex and Thea exchange gifts, an arrowhead for Thea and a bow for Alexander!
8981 Finished Thea Queen My dojo, my rules Alexander gets invited to Thea's place where they battle it out with swords.
8926 Finished Thea Queen How delicate is a canary? Red Arrow has a meticulous, cunning plan to capture some thugs. But then the Canary drops in.
8823 Finished Thea Queen Late night Queens The Red Arrow comes across Zaya being approached by thugs. Fight ensues and they learn more about one another, and what it means having received the call to the Midnight Mission.
8067 Finished Thea Queen The Idol: Facing the Cultists The group finally tracks Al-Fidr to an excavation site outside Cairo where they put his plans down to the sand and fend off treachery coming from Khrad. Who turned out to be Damien Darhk. The Idol plot finale!
7964 Finished Thea Queen The Verdant is almost done! Thea invites Sif and Vin to come visit the Verdant and test a few drinks before the Verdant is inaugurated. Sif bounces a little (Not the basketball game).
7775 Finished Thea Queen The Idol: Tracking the Cultists 2 Asgardians, a mage and an archer follow a lead on the cultists they have been pursuing in Cairo and end up at an encampment where they have the relic they are after. The Khushu Idol.
7566 Finished Thea Queen The Idol: Lets Talk The gang meets up 'Khrad' and the Cult of the Sand Lamia after the attack on Faati's household. They learn they are on the same side and so a makeshift alliance is created. But is all what it seems?
7449 Finished Thea Queen Queen Consequences Oliver comes home after having discovered the tracker in his suit and discussion ensues with his sister. With Felicity trying to fend blows in the middle.
7407 Finished Thea Queen The Idol: Settling in Having settled at Faati's place the 'gang' barely has time to breathe and relax until they are set upon by sand mages. Are they with the cultists? Featuring chest-naked Asgardians, close encounters with death and lots of magic wand-wiggling! In the end they choose to parlay with this new group.
7300 Finished Thea Queen Hunting for the Idol: Egypt Two Asgardians, a witch and an archer arrive in Egypt to investigate the Khushu Idol. They meet an old friend of the Queen family, Faati, manage to piss off the rain gods and destroy a couple of cars.
7286 Finished Thea Queen Drinks and Gods at the Verdant Sif and Vinnie meet up with Thea at her still-in-contruction club. Drinks are given out and they speak of recent events related to the Death Gods and the battle royale going on between them.
6857 Finished Thea Queen Asgardian PT Sif and Thea go for a training session in the woods near Central Park. Cider vinegar is on the menu in the end .....
6821 Finished Thea Queen The Dark side of the Glades Thea and Abcde follow the remnants of the malign spirit of the Idol back to Starling, all the way to the Glades. They face off against the remnants of the Idol's presence with some quick wit and magic! Next step? Egypt!
6681 Finished Thea Queen Visiting the Witch Thea visits Abcde to know more about the Khushu Idol and they agree on teaming up.
6610 Finished Thea Queen The Asgardian Tinder Sif and Thea meet at a speakeasy but instead of marvelling at the jazz music and the 20s they marvel in creating Sif a profile on Tinder. And much swiping is done that night ...
6527 Finished Thea Queen Hunting the Cult: The Rage Spirit Vin, Sif, Thea and Abcde join forces to liberate one of Thea's mutant friends that had been possessed. In the process they discover it's a rage spirit and a fight occurs! Teamwork prevails though and the spirit gets vanquished.
6464 Finished Thea Queen Surf's up Thea gets an impromptu surf lesson from Aspen when they meet at a beach. And then it's time to go hit those drinks!
6363 Finished Thea Queen B&E Vin, Sif and Thea go to investigate Al-Fidr's last known whereabouts but instead of finding more answers about this they instead get more questions. Questions that may need the help of the arcane.
6274 Finished Thea Queen Hunting for the Cult Part II - Flirting: Asgard Style Sif flirts in the unique way of the Asgardians so they can find out more about what the cultists are doing in Starling City. Vin, Thea and Sif discover an abandoned building where mutants are being held and all the best ways on how to break someone's bones.
6206 Finished Thea Queen Hunting for the Cult Part I - The Gala Thea, Vin and Sif go to a gala to get more info on the cult under the Verdant. They perhaps get more than what they were looking for when Sif convinces two of the 'cultists' to go with her to their 'special' place. And while Vin provides a distraction Thea slips into the gala to look for info... TO BE CONTINUED
6157 Finished Thea Queen Under the Verdant noone can hear you scream Vintridr, Felicity and Thea go explore the depths of the Verdant after the IT genius detects movement on the cameras set up down there. And they find DANGER.
6116 Finished Thea Queen The great hospital escape Sif comes to Uppsala's hospital, helping Thea escape with a little help from Sif's brother and a little stolen healing stone. They go back to the Verdant and they talk of shopping sprees and when Thea will die. Prune juice is a warrior's drink!
6068 Finished Thea Queen Time travel in Gotham Thea and Zee meet in Gotham and go explore an old Scottish Castle!
4691 Finished Thea Queen So this really happened The Verdant is honestly a 'thing'. And soon to be more of a thing than just a thing! If the siblings have anything to say about it.
4202 Finished Thea Queen Rooftop prowling The city would like chinese, please.
4039 Finished Thea Queen Paces Ollie and Thea have a sibling chat, followed with a sparring match. :)
3837 Finished Thea Queen Not doing too badly! Slade comes by with a new training session. Worst part doesn't seem to be the high altitude. It's the 'getting up at 0230' part.
3302 Finished Thea Queen Not throwing away her shot Thea checks in at the Arrow cave to catch up and discuss Lian Yu with Ollie and Vanessa.
3081 Finished Thea Queen When there's reckoning to be reckoned Siblings talk. At least they're talking, right?
2982 Finished Thea Queen Never alone in the City Out of millions, Malcolm manages to find the needle in the haystack, after following his own network of leads.
2911 Finished Thea Queen ...said the fly to the spider. Spiders eat flies, even when they're invited guests.
2453 Finished Thea Queen So this is the place, huh? The club has surprises!
2280 Finished Thea Queen In the 'cave. Ollie and Thea talk, and the outcome is, well.. pretty typically Queen.
2264 Finished Thea Queen Side notes Slade offers an ear and some advice that is taken.
2201 Finished Thea Queen Worlds collide Two worlds, not so far apart as they keep vigil for Mutant Town.
2199 Finished Thea Queen Verdant: The first walkthrough with a friend First walkthrough with a friend!
2177 Finished Thea Queen Verdant: The beginning Club is cleared and there is more clean-up to be done in Starling, apparently!
1784 Finished Thea Queen A burger is always the cure for what ails you Burger and a chat ends with a quiet walk.
1604 Finished Thea Queen On the trail at Happy Harbor The Queens visit Happy Harbor HS to check on a couple of students..
1548 Finished Thea Queen On the prowl Thea can't keep out of warehouses and is followed into one by a Wolverine.
1540 Finished Thea Queen Looking for the best place that money can buy. After B&E, Thea thinks she may have found a place.. and Kyani agrees.
1453 Finished Thea Queen Message not in a bottle Not all deliveries are bombs
1447 Finished Thea Queen What a crazy, random happenstance There was this bird, see.. and..