Owner Pose
Tim Drake     Finding time in a number of busy scheduled -- even if some are, admittedly, busier than others -- is no easy feat. Who knows how school exams were mysteriously pushed back, work schedules were rearranged, and various other responsibilities shifted around to make this possible. Was there possibly bribery involved?

    No comment.

    It's a modern day miracle either way, but if anyone had expectations of a sunny California vacation, then the rain the private jet lands amidst is enough to dash them. The storm only gets worse as they make their way -- via limousine, of course, this is Wayne money at work here -- into San Francisco. There's no avoiding being drenched by the time they arrive downtown, at a condominium tower rather than the (probably expected) hotel. Because he's rented the entire penthouse apartment. Naturally.

    "There are five bedrooms including the master suite," Tim says, "Which Phoebe gets, because she's the birthday girl." He disappears into an open door, apparently having memorized the apartment's layout ahead of time. "We can pair up or fight each other for the other rooms, after we dry off," comes his echoing voice, followed shortly by a bunch of towels being individually balled up and tosses out the open door towards people.

    Rain pelts the floor to ceiling windows that dominate the main room the team has entered into, and even though it's only just mid-day, the sky is darkened by heavy clouds. Still, every flash of lightning gives a stunning view of San Francisco and the bay beyond.

    Tim emerges with his own towel, which he's currently using to scrub through his hair. "I had dinner reservations, but we could probably order in."

    Outside, a crack of thunder booms, shaking the windows.

    "...I'll give them a big tip."
Lonnie Machin     Being a part of such luxury is still something Lonnie has to swallow. He made a comment about San Francisco being an example of how parasites will, given the opportunity, infiltrate and commodify everything they can get their hands on - but at the same time there are numerous collectives out here that he wanted to visit, which was the excuse he gave for coming along.
    He left the dog with a sitter.
    He shakes out his cap, and hangs it up, as he looks outside at the rain. "Well, California needs it, the way the rich have mismanaged the state's water supply."
Phoebe Beacon     "I really don't need the master suite --" Phoebe states as she comes in, soaked through. She catches the towel that's tossed to her, and she's crefully peeling out of the light jacket she had been wearing to cover tattoo work and burned-in arrays alike, giving a small grimmace at the clammy feeling.

    "You mean sold out to Nestle so they can bottle the water and sell it back to people who need it. Or to the Almond farms, grass for the golf courses, Silicon valley lawns..." she trails off, giving a soft huff as she tilts her head back a moment.

    "What do we want to order for take-out?"
Carin Taylor     If Carin wanted to take a trip to California, she probably could have. But hitting Mach3 and maintaining it long enough without a total meltdown is absolutely not feasible. Especially if she wanted to bring luggage. To say nothing of the collateral damage she may end up causing in the process. So the pale-skinned speedster is more than happy to take a plane ride, and she's more than a little excited to just.. be going somewhere, far from CyberData, and with people she's starting to really see as friends.

    Throughout the entire flight she's about pressed up against a window, watching the sky and the clouds and eventually, the rain as it comes down. There's a point where she actually falls asleep, likely having been up all night doing important things. Like reassuring her girlfriend that she'd be fine, making sure everything she needed was packed, and bouncing between a mix of distilled excitement and worry. But she's there! She made it! And on a private jet and in a limo and to a penthouse, no less.

    Sure she's soaked through, but whatever. "Oh.. wow.. this is huge.." she says quietly. A far cry from anything and everything she's used to. Her SHIELD dorm is downright luxurious compared to her previous accommodations in the past. "Oh. Um. I can.. sleep on the couch.. if.. there's any real disagreements.." she offers, doing a little -zip- and catching a towel before wrapping up. She practically vibrates in place, shaking the water off and heating up from the motion. And poof, she's dry.

    A good thing, too, since she'd been wearing that black hoodie with the purple heart on it--and having that completely drenched is not a light thing to be burdened with. "I'm good for anything..." she manages to say, muffled through the towel, as she works on her hair. All she'd brought with her was a typical two-piece set of roller and travel bag, in dark green of course. "..pizza.. Chinese... oh.. we're in California... maybe we can order in some good Mexican...? I can always zoom out and grab something, too, if someone wants anything..." It's like she forgot she's supposed to be on vacation. Less zipping, more sipping.
Gabby Kinney "Oh come on, it's not like the rain is going to melt any of us," Gabby chimes in as she pauses to reach up and snatch the towel tossed her way. She does sling it arouind her shoulders taking the time to tug her hair out to drape over the dry cloth so she can start to pat the length down. "... Unless it's acid rain but I think it's still a weak acid and would take awhile. Ordering in works too," she reasons only to add, "And I'm good bunking with anyone. I'm used to sharing."

That could be taken so many ways.

The talk of dinner does tear her attention away though. "Oh, sushi? We're close to the ocean! Freshness matters." Glancing over to Carin she has to nod in agreement. "You're right about the Mexican too, probably some good stuff around." There's a pause before she adds glancing at her older clone sister, "Did you bring your hot sauces?"
Conner Kent "I am not going to let a little rain ruin my first real vacations in years," comments Conner. Of course he has used telekinesis to avoid getting wet, which might be why he is an unfair good mood.

"We just got here, we should go out and explore," he adds when Phoebe mentions ordering. "Avoid the golf courses, but I want to see Silicon Valley even if it sucks. Ah, Mexican is a good choice."
Harper Row     Harper catches her towel with her face. "Unnfh!" It's her own fault for peering at the weather report on her MyPhone and trying to swipe away the water that beads upon the screen. Lampshaded by the towel, she continues to tap, her sneakers making basketball court-like squeaks and chirps. Her sodden shoulder bag is dropped like a sack of potatoes.

    Harper's muffled voice mumbles, while raising up a clenched fist. "All for one, all for delivery!" That same hand is lower to the towel to fuss and muss up her wet hair with the kind of gestures that look like she's trying to get rid of a crazy itch.

    "Oh...and freakin dibs on an actual bed. I am willing to d-...I am willing to slouch on this hill." One baby-blue peers out from beneath the towel-cowl and she sniffs as moisture tickles her wee nose.
Laura Kinney "Tim when you say take-out is that the food you'll be having delivered? Or the chefs?" Laura wonders, showing pretty much zero regard for the rain. Just giving a little shake of her head to get her hair away from her face. "I can always stay in the safehouse I have set up. If we're short on accommodation." Did she set something up specially for the trip? Or has she always had a place to stay here just in case?

It's Laura it's probably the latter.

She's at least attempted to dress up for the occasion. And it's in something more fancy and celebration worthy than yoga pants and a t-shirt too. A simple black dress and matching black heels. Plus a small bag she was able to produce a small folding umbrella from.

Don't ask if the umbrella has a secret poison tip. It's best not to know....
Tim Drake     Both Lonnie and Phoebe's commentary earn a soft huff of breath from under the towel that now drapes over Tim's head. He scrubs at his hair a moment longer before reappearing, and then he bends down to pick up his duffle. "That's cheating," he says to Carin, because how cool would it be to just vibrate the water off of you? Meanwhile he starts digging in his bag for dry clothes.

    "It sounds like we have some dissenting opinions." Though he's nodding along very agreeably to Harper's Musketeers reference, and the intent behind it. As he talks, Tim takes a few steps backwards and suddenly he's passed through the open archway of another door. A quick flick of the light switch reveals a bedroom with a single large bed, which Tim drops his bag on.

    Does he say it?

    Of course he says it. "Dibs."

    That leaves three other rooms with double Queens, as well two couches. Admittedly the couches do look pretty comfortable! Expensive, but not in the way some expensive furniture can be more form over function. Tim made sure of it before he booked the place. Being obsessive as one of your core character traits does come in handy when you're planning a group vacation, after all. Lots of details to think about.

    As a peace offering before any fights break out, Tim offers up: "I think one of the couches is a pull-out, maybe?" Which it is. It was probably noted on the apartment blueprint.

    He has his phone out where he stands, leaning against what is now his bedroom's doorway, "Dim sum can get here in 45 minutes." Pause, tap tap tap, "Sushi's the same, and Mexican in about an hour. The food, not the chefs." That last bit's for Laura's sake. He shakes his head at Carin and wordlessly gestures towards her, a gentle refusal of her selfless offer. "Gabby, Conner, if you want to go out in the middle of a storm I think you--," a flicker of lightning through the windows and then KRA-KOWWWWWWWWW comes another peal of thunder, "--'re on your own, you two. And," he points. "Tactile TK? Also cheating."

    After another... let's say twenty seconds, Tim holds up his phone. "Any special requests before I hit order?"
Lonnie Machin     Lonnie looks around, and then he sits on the arm of one of the couches. "Pizza would be fine." He says, casually. He looks around, and then says, "I planned to go out later. I'm in communication with a lot of collectives out here and I'd like to make some personal visits, encourage them in their struggle." He raises his eyebrows, and then looks out the window, "...I might stop and by an umbrella first."
    "...There are a few punk clubs in the city I'd like to hit up, too. Some really great counterculture bands make the rounds in this city and I want to hear as many of them live as I can."
Phoebe Beacon     "Dunno the Mexican I get is pretty damn good..." Phoebe mutters from under her towel, which she then pauses in drying her hair, points at Gabby in particular and states: "Shut up." and then points to Tim "Shut up."

    Phoebe gives a muttered Latin phrase, and then she's also now dried through, with a fancy little lightshow and the smell of roses and black pepper as she breathes out again, shaking out the towel a little before folding it, and moving to grab her luggage.

    She was hoping Tim didn't see the magic cheating as she looks outside, and then lifts her phone to check it, typing out a message to someone.

    "There's a couple locales that are reputably haunted. There's also a place nearby that says they sell Khemet magical items that I'd like to poke my head into -- but checking out the punk clubs also sounds so cool."
Conner Kent Conner instead walks to a window to see the city. Not much to see giving the downpour, but he has good eyes. "Bah, just use your bat-umbrella, Timster. You are supposedly the guy prepared for everything."

He has no preferences about accommodation, but probably should grab a couch, since he is the odd guy here. Besides, he sleeps less than the others. "Did Bart say if he would be around? I am shocked he is missing this trip."
Carin Taylor     Carin glances around at everyone and peeks at the room Tim chooses. "Oh.. nice.." she laughs quietly, still working on her hair. She pulls her smaller bag open to grab a brush and starts working at the fluff. "Mexican pizza?" she hazards a guess and a question. She lingers nearer to Harper, offering up her brush to the blue-haired Bird. "...we could take a room?" she suggests. "I don't think I know you all that well yet!" she says, optimistic.

    "...haunted shop?" she then asks, looking to Phoebe. It's a good thing she's able to sort of... experience time in dilation. Everyone here at once would be overwhelming, but she's able to process voices as they come, faces as they speak up, and takes her time to focus on her thoughts. She goes from overwhelmed to simmply whelmed. Good enough.
Gabby Kinney So many options! Gabby's attention flits everywhere keeping track of the multiple lines of conversation. The thunder crack does cause her to pause with a small sigh however. "Okay I admit I'm not fond of wet socks and undies. Maybe tomorrow," she mutters beneath her breath.

Toward Phoebe she just puts her hands up. "I am not remarking on your personal eating habits," she offers back simply with a too-sly-grin. It's all she says on the topic though as she considers. "Punk could be cool--"

"Wait, haunted?" A look is shot toward Phoebe suspiciously. "Please don't make me work on vacation." A little sigh is exhaled as she shifts to start working out of her hoodie. Her own attire was a bit more like preppy-goth-something or other with leggings, a shirt with buckles in strategic areas to highlight what chest she has. It almost looks like a shoulder holster set up but it's purely decorative in this case--right? There's no holster at least. Maybe it's an optional add-in.

"Guess we should at least decide rooms first so we can stow our luggage."
Harper Row     Harper pulls the towel off her face, and they don't pull so bad at her piercings because they're the ~good~ quality kind of fabrics surely. The Gotham girl rubs her phone along her ripped jeans, her lip curling. Denim and water just sucks.

    She's on the way towards an available room when the weather puts on a lightshow and then the thunderclap gives her pause. "Fwwwaaah. We get it...we'll stop steppin on spiders..."

Harper accepts the brush, mumbling a quiet thanks to Carin. "Oh sure, though I can't promise I won't saw a few logs. As long as I don't eat mexican ~and~ get drunk, everything should be...just fine." she offers a grin.

    Harper blink-blinks and raises a finger into the air. "Someone just said..." She peers owlishly towards Lonnie, and toe'n'heels off her sneakers so her damp feets can pad her on over. She asks sweetly with a caca-eating grin, "A few punk clubs you say? Live acts you say?"
Laura Kinney "Bart can get here from anywhere on the planet in about a minute? He could get have turned up and left in the time it took me to say this," Laura muses, holding her umbrella out for Lonnie to borrow. "Try not to walk on any rooftops with it open. It'd dampen the trip somewhat if you got electrocuted."

"I have always wanted to break into Alcatraz, take a midnight tour and swim back to the mainland. As if carrying out a prison break." She blinks a few times. "Well perhaps not always. Since I read up on the city and realised it had a prison island."

"As for food I have no strong preferences. I've brought condiments so if it's bland I can... pep it up."
Tim Drake     "Pizza," Tim mutters, still tapping away at his phone. He accepts the additional food suggestions with the aplomb of someone with very deep pockets and long-standing friendships with metagene-influenced metabolisms masquerading as teenagers. Who, in and of themselves, are already known to have hellacious appetites. Speaking of Bart: "You know how he is. He can show up at any time," he says to Conner.

    "Aside for Cafe Gratitude tomorrow which you're all going to with us to--" Tim narrows his eyes as he looks around at everyone, and he throws in a leader-y finger-waggle of expectations too, "And our trip up to Yosemite, you're all free to do as you please. Phoebe and I are gonna do some much-needed relaxing."

    Actual plans, whether they be punk clubs or haunted shops, mostly go over his head, unlike Carin. Tim's busy ordering food, which in a group of mixed preferences, restricted diets and the like, is no easy feat. Especially when he's ordering from four different places and trying to coordinate them all at once, too.

    It's a good thing he's a smarty pants.

    So him saying "Sure, Alcatraz sounds fun," is definitely a product of him not listening fully to what Laura's saying. But hey, Tim's as much a history nerd as he is a... anything else nerd, let's be real.

    Though he does pause to laugh to himself about something. Who knows what that's about. Then he's back to tapping at his phone.
Conner Kent For reasons, Conner is trying to ignore the part about haunted shops, but the club scene does appeal. And that can be done despite the rain. "Is Alcatraz functional right now? I heard it was reformed, but maybe I am imagining things."

And as usual Laura's idea of a fun night makes him roll his eyes. Well, re-enacting a historical event or movie scene is not unfun, but if it involves swimming at night through cold water. Not so much! Although... "Do they have a pool here?"
Lonnie Machin     Lonnie shrugs, and gestures to his Black Flag t-shirt, and then raises his eyebrows.
    "I WAS hoping to visit the Long Now Foundation with you Tim, but I don't want to go by myself and if you want to just relax by the pool, that's fine-"
    He glances around and then says, "I mean, I hear they have a coffee shop with blends that are hard to find anywhere else in the country - but-" He claps his hands together. "...Studying proposals to de-extinct the wooly mammoth isn't a great date night anyway. I mean... that's SUPER nerdy."
    He takes the umbrella, and tips his head in a faint nod. "Thank you. I wont say I won't end up on any rooftops, though."
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe's phone makes a cheery DING sound. She opens it, and visibly chokes on something, and then turns to deliver A Look to Tim.

    "-- de-extint the Wooly Mammoth sounds like an interesting proposal , not gonna lie." she states, "Sounds right up everyone's favorite nerd's alley. De Extinction and coffee." she lilts, and then turns around the area, and she tilts her head back again, looking up.

    "Everyone who wants dry underwear and jams, raise a hand." she states.

    And she raises her right hand, palm down, and brings her left hand down palm-up. She gets a bit of a glimmer about her as she channels magic: Nostram vestem humidam pro siccitate commutate, spiritum attingite, et vestis lecti gratissimam producite!
Carin Taylor     "I don't mind snoring... Toni is a bed hog and makes noise, too.... I'm kind of used to it..." Carin responds to Harper with a laugh. "So maybe it'll help me get to sleep easier in that regard?" she offers, smiling to the Bluebird. "Oh! There's. There's a world-famous bakery on the Pier, I know that much! And. I'd love to visit the park by the big bridge! I've never been this far west so I want to see all I can.."

    She nibbles absently on her lower lip, listening to the options being tossed around. She tilts her head at Lonnie. "Special coffee?" she perks up, seeming to be more interested in that than the whole wolly-mammoth thing! "I.. guess there really is a whole lot to do here and we don't have a huge amount of time to do it... I mean we can always come back if we miss anything this time, right?" she considers, offering a half-smile.

    In the meantime, though, she nudges her bag into one of the rooms, staking a claim on it for her and Harper. She might seem timid but there's at least a bit more confidence there. She also shakes her head at Phoebe, "Oh, but I'm dry... thanks! Though I love watching the... magicy... stuff..." she watches as the other girl gleams. "....oh... maybe.. yes, please?"
Harper Row     Harper's mental abacus does some brain cell bead flicking and it's an effort not to indulge in wondering how much she can cram into this trip. How much sleep deprivation is do-able. "Niiiice. Let me know if you wanna share a cab." she murmers. "See what the West Coast gets up to."

    "Wuuh...underw-?" Harper knits her brows together and slowly turns to regard Phoebe with a quizzical look. Harper swallows hard as magic is wrangled and words are spoken. She looks down at herself quickly and widens her eyes. And then she does a quick Y-pose like she was starting off the YMCA thingy. "Fooooorm...of...a slumber party!"
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney take her own phone out to glance at the screen and quickly type away with one thumb. Swype is your friend. It's tucked away again when Phoebe mentions dry, and jams, and both her hands shoot into the air. "Meeemeeemeee!"

While the magicking is done she grins at Carin's apparent indecision knowing it quite well. Of course she'd just do whatever struck her fancy at any time, but the whole magic thing... "Yeah speaking of which, if anything magical or supernatural happens and you guys need help--" she pauses to gesture to Phoebe, then over to herself with a little shrug. "She knows the magic, I know the people who know the magic, we can get it sorted. We're here to have fun and stuff not, you know,k go all work mode."
Laura Kinney "Although with the increasing global temperature it seems like a poor choice to bring back an extinct species known for adaptation to cold climates," Laura points out with a shrug. "We're only staying for a few days. It's not like we'll be getting much sleeping done? Are we not hitting all of the exclusive night venues and charging bottles of expensive champagne to the company cards?" Perhaps that's why she's come in a (for her) nice dress.

She tilts her head at Lonnie. "If you get hit by lightning you don't get to complain about it."

"It's a tourist destination Conner. I just prefer to look around without a crowd watching me." But yes, as he rightly figured out. She just wants to try her hand at an infamous escape attempt...
Phoebe Beacon      -- and then everyone who volunteered is wearing dry clothing: thematic pajama bottoms, appropriate soft T-shirt tops and house shoes. Phoebe's wearing a T-shirt with a top hat with a bunny poking out of it, and pants with little star bursts on them in dark pink.

    Tim is very briefly wearing the Pink Bunny PJ's from A Christmas Story, sized perfectly to be two sizes too large for him. Soaking wet, with additional cold water.

     And then it changes to a T-shirt that says 'THIS CALLS FOR A SPREADSHEET' -- and his pajama bottoms alternate between highlight and unhighlit excel columns. His hair's a little damp.

    Gabby's pajamas are sky blue and have HONEYBADGER DON'T GIVE A (Poop Emoji), and her slippers are little wolverines.

    Harper's PJ bottoms are covered with little lightning bolts in neon purple and blue on a black background. Her new pajama shirt has RESISTANCE IS FUTILE and has an electrical diagram showing resistance and ohms.
Lonnie Machin     When the spell starts to threaten Lonnie, he says, "Nooooooo thank you. *I* am going out tonight and they don't make this t-shirt anymore, so I don't want it magicked into pajamas, just go around me, thank you." He shrugs, palm-up since the other's still holding the umbrella. "Tomorrow then." He says, since Tim's the meticulous planner. He prefers to play things by ear.
Phoebe Beacon     Carin, ordinarily quick on the uptake, gets a Sonic the Hedgehog T-shirt with 'GOTTA GO FAST' - her pajama bottoms are the Green Hill Zone from the first Sonic the Hedgehog game and her slippers are Tails the Fox.

    Lonnie is skipped by request
Tim Drake     De-extincting mammals is precisely nerdy enough to lift Tim's head from his phone, and it helps that it also coincides with his last "Order Now" button-press. "Food will be here within the hour," he announces, phone held aloft again, and then he might as well keep holding it up as he volunteers for the magic de-dampening from Phoebe.

    Only, after the glimmer of magic fades... water drips from his hair. Tim's eyes go wide, and he squawks as he backpedals into his room, leaving wet footprints on the parquet flooring.

    Thankfully he's only in the bunny suit for a split-second . Still, he slams the door shut behind him, only to breathe out a sigh of relief when the transformation continues and he's in regular(-ish) pajamas. "We can go get coffee!" Tim says through the now-closed door, because he has to towel-dry his hair (again). Oh, the horror. "Pool's on the rooftop!" is the next thing that he sort-of yells, including a quick "It's heated!" added on to the end. He's only getting snippets of the conversation, but still doing his best here.

    When he emerges, he too is in pajamas. First, Lonnie gets pointed at. "Tomorrow," he agrees. That's not ominous at all. Then, the finger is aimed at Phoebe. "Youuuuuuuuu." Plus some finger-waggling at her, for good measure. Before he vaults over the back of the couch to take a seat and, sigh, continue toweling his hair dry.

    "We can figure out a plan of attack, which I mean figuratively, so that we can all do something we want to do. There's plenty of time before we head out for the camping trip!" There's only a couple of days before then, but Tim makes a fist and punches it into his open palm, and he looks Very Serious About Planning Right Now.
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe gives a wheeze as the spell ends, and she leans forward, hands on her knees a moment before she flashes a thumbs up.

    "Original clothes are gonna turn up in the dryer. I'm not going to steal everyone's clothing. That's just rude." she wheezes out, and then with a THUMP she lands on her butt on the kitchen floor.

    "Gimmie a minute. That was a new one."
Conner Kent "No magics," protests Conner, waving at Phoebe. He has allergies, or something equivalent. "I can believe you want to stay here instead of..." vague gesture outside. Just then there is another lightning and thunder combo. The storm must be just over the city. "You wimps," he adds resignedly. At least there will be good food.

If it rains during the camping trip, he is going to laugh so much. The 'serious planning thing', though, makes him flop down on a couch. Vacations!
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney glances down at herself with a nod of appreciation. Dry. Warm new clothes. And admittedly it was her style--Punny and cute at once. Perfect. "Thanks Phoebe," she starts only to wince as the woman ends up on the floor. "Need a drink? I can get water... er... Soda? Soda." No need to bring up water with all the rain going on in the first place.

Conner's remarks earn a grin as well as a shrug. "Long trips require a little rest before doing stuff. Though I DO want to do stuff," she agrees with a pat to her stomach. "Preferably on a full stomach."
Carin Taylor     "Oh... wow.." Carin blinks, staring down at herself. She can't help but laugh, pale cheeks turning pink at the thematic jammies and cute slippers. She stands on one foot, then the other, and shakes her head. "Where... do you get this stuff...? Thank you!" she looks up at Phoebe .

    "So... food... um.. coffee... mammoths.." she taps her fingers, counting them off. "...I can... uh.. figure out the... bakery thing? I think it's on the Pier. Which. Pier though?" she frowns. "Isn't it 39? I know I've heard of it. And isn't there a lot of other stuff around thre, too?" she asks, then her eyes brighten. "Fish and chips!" she almost shouts, then clamps her hands over her mouth. "...not that... we can't get that in New York easy.." she murmurs shyly.
Tim Drake     Sat cross-legged on one of the couches now, Tim can only grin over at Conner with a shake of his head. And he's managed to get his hair dry (again!!!) so that only a couple of water droplets go flying when he does that. "Gabby's right. We can fuel up, see how the weather looks in a couple of hours, and make a decision then. Plus we're right in the middle of downtown, there's a lot of nightlife to take advantage of."

    He lifts his chin and casts a narrow-eyed look around the room. "To which, if anyone is in possession of a fake ID, I will... do my best to not find that out. But I swear if any of you get sick, I am not holding your hair back while you puke." His expression wobbles. "Okay, yes I would, but I will also be very disappointed!"

    After a moment, Tim pushes himself up against the back of the couch, one elbow on it to peer over towards Phoebe. But trusting Gabby to have things well in-hand -- how's that for delegating? -- he settles back down.

    Then, he begins to count things off on his fingers. "Punk clubs, haunted shops, Alcatraz, some time poolside, bakery, going to the pier for fish and chips, I miss anything?" He looks around the room, trying to get a good sense of yes and-or no from everyone before he moves on.
Phoebe Beacon     "I'mokay." Phoebe states from the floor. She does accept the soda pop, and if offered a hand up before she mozies on over to the sitting area where she flumps to the floor with a caffinated soda pop.

    "Ah, not that I'll officially condone drinking enough to get sick, but I can help with the resultant poisoning. You'll just have to take in a lotta water afterwards." the healer speaks up, and then sort of leans against the couch "But I'll also be disappointed!" she adds, and then just pokes Tim in the shin.
Conner Kent "I would hold your hair back," points out Conner. Anyone who can, feel free to get stupid drunk. Not that he really expect it to happen. "I have my totally genuine ID here," he mock-glares Tim. 'Totally genuine' indeed, considering he was created somewhen between 2010 and 2012. But this one card says he is 21. Hey, he has a couple others if Tim doesn't like it. One is Mexican, even.

"I don't think we should go to Alcatraz this very night, but I am okay if you guys really want," he adds with a smirk.
Laura Kinney "We can also go axe throwing," Laura suggests. "It's only at stationary targets but I'm sure it'll still be mildly amusing."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out three different fake passports and as many fake drivers licenses. "All my documents are fake." She points out matter of factly. "Although if I manage to get drunk something has gone seriously wrong." Or right. But it's unlikely there will be any Asgardian ale or Amazonian wine.

"If anyone /doesn't/ have fake ID documents I can pick some up."
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney does indeed grab the soda for Phoebe and help her up. It's the least she can do for as much trouble as she's caused her friend over time. Once that's taken care of though she also joins in the claiming of a couch, or chair, or whatever is available. Honestly she would be fine with sitting cross-legged on the floor if it comes to that though she might steal one of those decorative throw pillows to hug on while she does that.

The listing of potential places to visit has her stop, and think, and clear her throat as she hesitantly lifts a finger with an apparent idea of her own. "Um, ever heard of the Wave Organ? It's an old art installation that you can walk through and it uses the ocean waves to make music... I mean, if that's up anyone's alley it could be cool." There's a pause before she adds, "Oh there's also the street slides!"
Lonnie Machin Lonnie has numerous fake IDs. But he also doesn't drink. He DOES find a place to perch, and he takes out a book of Philosophy en Francais and begins to casually read it, one leg and the umbrella dangling off the side of the couch. He turns a page, and then asks, "What toppings did you get on the pizza?"
Carin Taylor         For some reason, Carin is raising her hand when Laura suggests fake documents. She really just did it by reaction, on accident. Is she a drinker? Not usually. Has she drunk and been drunk? Absolutely. "...I don't drink much.. just in private. My uhm... girlfriend has to take me places... My employers don't like me drinking..." she laughs softly. "It was a bit of a chore to get them to let me take my time off, though, and I don't think I want to spend it curled up on the floor in the bathroom."

    There's also the matter of a speedster being drunk, which is something she feels, thankfully, would be incredibly hazardous. "But I sober up really quick!" she then adds immediately. "...so it's kind of a waste in the end." She glances over at Coner at the offer to hold hair back if things -do- happen, and her expression is one of gratitude. "...everything else sounds super fun. Especially the ocean music...! Maybe it'll give me ideas for if I can get Toni to come out here, too. I need to get her some things!"
Tim Drake     "Pizzas," Tim says without looking up from his phone. He also mouths out Gabby's suggestion as she offers them, clearly adding them to some list (mental or otherwise) as he types. "One cheese, one all-the-meats, one vegetarian, and one with taco meat, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese," aka a Mexican pizza!

    He unfolds his legs and peers down at Phoebe's head before continuing on with his planning, which must be what he's doing there on his phone. Include the rest of the team, Tim!

    Which he does by saying, "There's a couple of escape rooms here in downtown S.F. It's fun and team-building, so... you know, tax write-off."

    That's a joke. He definitely doesn't pay taxes on his secret superhero team.

    "I could schedule us on a tour of Alcatraz for tomorrow if the weather clears up."
Phoebe Beacon     "Alcatraz is Haunted As Anything." Phoebe comments, and wrinkles her nose. "And if I recall correctly built on sacred Native American ground. Might pass on that one and maybe sleep in." she states from her place on the floor, opening her phone and answering another message that's come through.

    "... on account of weirdness."
Carin Taylor     "I... might sit out the Alcatraz tour..." Carin says after a moment. The mention of the pizza, especially the Mexican pizza has her brightening some, but her lopsided smile remains. "It. Kind of triggers some bad memories?" she offers. "But I'm down for just about anything else!" she says quickly. "Promise." It sounds like she's trying hard to make sure she isn't disappointing anyone.

    "I hope that's okay?" she asks in a small voice, hugging her smaller bag to her chest.
Tim Drake     "Of course that's okay," Tim says to Carin, his brows knitting together briefly. It's not long before his expression has smoothed out, though, and he spends the next few minutes working to accomodate as many requests as he can into their busy schedule(s) for the next couple of days leading up to the big camping trip.

    Once people settle into their bedrooms properly, Tim instructs everyone to bring out blankets and pillows and leads everyone on proper fort construction. By the time they're done -- another great team-building effort! -- pizza is the first to arrive, followed shortly by dim sum, sushi, and then Mexican, all delivered in huge bags by sopping-wet people.

    At least Tim lives up to his promise of big tips.

    It's way too much food, and yet somehow the group works its way through a substantial portion of it as they watch a movie (The Goonies, a classic). By the time the credits roll, the rain has let up outside and a glimpse of the rising moon can be seen from behind the parting clouds. Maybe there's a chance of some nightlife exploration after all.