Owner Pose
Lyle Marston A series of murders have been wracking the Gotham Coast for months. The victims have all been young women between the ages of 19-22, and have all been found gutted like fish near the water after seemingly being drowned. The GCPD assumed this was the work of a serial killer, which they were correct about. But, what they didn;'t know was that the man they were looking for was supposed to be dead. During your many years of being alive, you have encountered what some people call "Slashers", one of the worst was The Flenser.

The Flenser, real name Tyler Cobb, was a sailor who sailed on the merchant ship that sailed from the West Coast to Southeast Asia and back. The heavily tattooed Tyler was confronted by you in 1990, when he seemingly met his end under your claws after a surprisingly brutal fight.

But now, these series of killings hint at a very unsettling possibility, The Flenser has returned. After a bit of research on your end, you came to find out that Cobb's bowie knife went missing from the police lockup in San Francisco, and had ended up in a rather bizzare collection owned by one Rupert Grout. Rupert Grout was a German immigrant in Gotham who owned a museum in Amusement Mile dedicated to serial killers and other criminals. You were planning on breaking in and figuring out once and for all what was happening with The Flenser.

However, you were not the only one trying to get in this night. A man dressed in 18th century clothing steathily made his way across Amusement Mile, the smell of heavy rose cologne wafting in the air. La Raton was after the dagger of The Flenser, which was stolen from San Francisco by Rupert Grout, at least according to The Mole, and he intended on stealing it and returning it to San Francisco. He had left Sir Percy behind for this incursion, he had no need for the raccoon. As he made his way to the front of the museum, he grinned at the seemingly outdated lock and pulled out a lock-pick. As he focused on picking the lock, he kept a weary eye out for anyone coming down or up the street towards the museum.
Ella Normandy     Vampirella is not a thief. She has no particular idea how locks work, let alone security systems. Her approach has always been to come into a man's bedroom naked, take his mind with her mesmerism while he's still half-convinced she's a dream, and get the information she needs that way; but frankly, she's bored of the old habits and tactics. Also, she'd probably have to kill him to keep him quiet afterward, which would be a mess to deal with and a bad bit of temptation to avoid. So, an old dog tries to learn a new trick.

    She informed the guard at the front door that he could not see her, didn't know she was there, and desperately had to pee. He was convinced, and ran off to find a toilet before he could have an accident, leaving her to stroll in, silent despite her heels. A vampire thing. She didn't know for sure where the display room was, but buildings in Gotham are built so you can tell a house's layout by the windows, so she had a pretty good idea... assuming it was on display and not under the man's pillow. She might end up having to kill him after all, but that's for the future.
Lyle Marston Lyle let out a small grunt of sucess as the front door creaked open. As he slipped in, he was surprised that there was no guard, perhaps he was called somewhere else. Lyle then started to make his way through the museum, unaware that his rose cologne was wafting through the air, where anyone with a strong nose could smell it.

As you walked through the Museum, there were many artifact displaying many artifacts belonging to infamouse criminals, and newspapaer clippings to accompany then. Unusually, there was no sign of any security, besides the one man you manipulated into leaving. As you advance deeper into the museum, you could swear you could hear sea gulls in the distance, and the distant sound of waves crashing onto a rocky shore. However, before you could process this, the smell of rose cologne fills your senses, someone else is nearby.
Ella Normandy     Vampirella smells the cologne, and the familiar scent beneath it. That man who talked to Daimon; Daimon, the self-described demon prince, who would have both servants and enemies who could possess a mortal to... do what? Well, if a servant, to deliver a message. If an enemy... also deliver a message. In either case, violence is likely enough.

    It would be prudent to hide. It would be wise to set up an ambush.

    But it would also take effort to do those things, and the ennui dragging at Vampirella makes such things seem like a complete waste of time, so she turns with a sigh and waits for the inevitable attack from an author.
Lyle Marston As La Raton made his way towards where he knew the dagger was supposed to be, he started to hear what sounded like the beach, despite being indoors. As he walked into the next room, he was greeted by a surprsing sight. It was Daimon compaion from the restaurant, Ella. but know, she was clad in a rather flattering outfit that showed off her figure rather nicely. La Raton visably blushed as he stammered out,

"Mademosille, w-what brings you to this grusome place at night?"

He tried to pretend to not know her, and keep his identity safe, not knowing that she already knew his identity.
Ella Normandy     The blush is no more or less than Vampirella expected, so she doesn't comment on it, or answer the question. She just asks, letting a touch of impatience into her voice, "Why are you following me? What's your name?"