ID State Owner Title Description
4837 Finished Lyle Marston A Late Night Drive Lyle and Sally Pride bond over a car chase. Promises of a future meeting are made
4149 Finished Lyle Marston A Candlelit Meeting No description
4055 Finished Lyle Marston The Lion and The Raccoon Lyle and Sally Pride team up to heist items from a corrupt judge
3740 Finished Lyle Marston The Raccoon and the Tiger Tigra and La Raton investigate a murder.
2572 Finished Lyle Marston The Blood Orchid Lyle and Peggy team up to fight gangsters
1958 Finished Lyle Marston An Usual Helper No description
1947 Finished Lyle Marston A Matter of Secrecy Lyle and Speedy team up to steal documents and finaces from a sinister religious group. Lyle also puts the charm on her.
1939 Finished Lyle Marston A Sinister Echo No description
1929 Finished Lyle Marston An Alliance of Convienence No description
1862 Finished Lyle Marston =A Chance Meeting Lyle, Ella, and Daimon meet in Little Italy
1816 Finished Lyle Marston A Night at Hell Manor A break-in at Hell Manor ends in the Master of the House getting arrested and AIM escaping with a new chemistry project.
1793 Finished Lyle Marston A Theft to Remember No description