Owner Pose
Thor     The journey back to the Raft is not as eventful as the first trip. The hour is earlier, during one of the few times that some on Troll's cell block are allowed up on the surface, though she is entirely too much of a flight risk to be allowed that freedom. Instead she is left there with her own company, left to reflect and turn thoughts inwards.
    Yet that is also the time when fortune would have her visitor return. When the distant lights of he cell 'air lock' design flickered into life to signal the entrance of a new visitor. The guards clearing the way and allowing the tall blond man entrance back into that long hall which houses the other Asgardian's cell.
    After those lights flash then she'll hear the footsteps, then even stride, the steady pace. It all leads the man forward until he finally appears in view in that angle from her cell. And once again it is the one known as Thor.
    Though this time he is not wearing the garb of Midgard she saw him in before. Instead when he appears she'll see h him wearing the black and silver armor that hugs the contours of the warrior-prince. A single slash of crimson slices across his shoulder and hangs along his back, a half-cloak that seems befitting for one of the blood royal. Now she truly sees him as an Asgardian perhaps, as that one from the stories.
    Yet when he greets her it is that same voice and the same manner of the man before. "Greetings, chieftain."
Gunna Sijurvald Which is what makes it just that much more embarrassing when Thor looks into the cell. Troll, or Gunna as she's named, laying on her left side and chewing on a toy that someone has apparently given her. It appears to once have been a tire iron, but with the chew marks and visible bending it now more resembles a pretzel.

She looks up, sniffs the air, and then slowly slides the toy behind her back. Then she sits up and proceeds to look as if she were never doing such a thing in her life, and Thor may be reminded that she is, in essence, quite young.

That being an issue. She's underage for this cell, under human law.

"Asgardian," she says, lifting her jaw upward. "Troll no see." Oh, and there's also the language training. She's using English now, and if anything it's worse than her Asgardian.
Thor     No hammer at the least, but there is definitely something more martial to the man, more severe if only from the way he's garbed. Yet those blue eyes meet hers with that same ease and his expression is calm as he tells her, "I am come bearing news, words from afar should you wish to hear of them. Regarding the clan you hail from."
    He crosses his arms over his broad chest, the silver scales of the armor lining the swell of strong biceps as he frowns across the way at her, perhaps something preying upon his mind or thoughts before he gives further effort to the words shared.
    "I have spoken with those with ties to your past. Spoken with those who feel you have transgressed in these lands. Your future is being considered by many but I realized that few..."
    He looks down slightly, then back up with one eyebrow quirked and his expression a touch troubled. "That few have spoken with you on it, or learned of your wishes. What future would you seek if you were free, Lady Gunna?"
Gunna Sijurvald The staring lasts longer than the speech took, though Thor did not actually speak for a long time. He talks like an Asgardian, and that alone puts her off, but a lot of his speech is confusing and she's too proud to admit that fact, even to herself. So she stares, until she's managed to process well enough to respond. It may seem as if she's being stubborn, but that is only a part of the tale.

"Troll..." she starts, but she trails off. She looks at the people around her, wondering in her sharp but uneducated mind about why she feels such kinship with these other trapped people. Criminals, people who act so much like her family did back home. She's even seen them fight over food. She nearly joined in, but it was over too quickly. Fun times.

He's asking what I want to do, that's what he said. I like it here. They feed me. But it can't be my whole life. "Troll find family," she says, coming to a decision right when she wasn't sure what she wanted herself. She seems uncertain, but it's a good start.

Now if she just knew who family was anymore.
Thor     "I can help you with that." The Thunderer says almost as soon as the word 'family' leaves her lips. He then adjusts his stance, shifting his weight to the other boot, his eyes lowering then returning with brow knit as if trying to focus beyond the here and now and the young woman before him.
    "There is a possibility that those that hold you would be willing to release you into my custody and in turn I would take you to your Asgardian family. They have agreed to extend of themselves and offer you shelter and the protection owed to one of their ilk."
    He lifts his chin and takes a deep breath, holds it, then murmurs levelly. "They would, and in turn I would... we would be extending of ourselves to offer this chance to reconcile matters. Before we would advance down this path I would need, however, to ask you for your oath. Your word given freely that this is the path you would seek and that you would not simply seek to escape. If matters are... not acceptable with your clan and you choose to break connections with them, then that would be another step. You would be no one's prisoner. Yet your oath would bind you at the least to the attempt."
    He falls silent, then his eyes narrow slightly as he murmurs with a firm tone. "I would ask this oath of you as the chieftain of your tribe. As Gunna of her clan."
Gunna Sijurvald She isn't quite sure what he's saying. Complex thoughts don't quite work yet, she hasn't been taught how language works. Her family spoke by slapping you, taking your food, giving you rewards. This is language, this is how you converse. She really likes the guard who gave her the chew toy, he is not to be harmed. This is proper and right.

What is an 'oath'?

"Asgardian talk much," she says, her tone judgemental and grumpy. She hunches down and tilts her head right, then looks up from that lowered position. That in itself is a message, one of watching him. Ensuring she sees him from another angle, an attempt to see something in him she may be able to use for the future. It is not the answer he was hoping for, and even to Allspeak it may be garbled. This is one reason why Trolls have never taken to ambassadors. They just don't exactly speak, unless they have taken the time to learn. And Troll is just a youth.

"Asgardian no Troll clan." She spits the ground at that statement, quite vocal and understandable. She isn't ready, not for an Asgardian family. But it wasn't an attack.
Thor     Thor is not entirely a patient man at the best of times. Yet he is not without his own sense of peace in some regards. Troll's reaction hadn't been entirely unexpected, but it was still... frustrating. It left him to cover his mouth with one gauntleted hand as he took a deep breath through those fingers, then he exhales again.
    "We all belong to clans. To families. To people. Our peers. Our loved ones." Perhaps in some way some of those terms make it through. But then he rests a hand on his hip and says, "This will take some time to arrange in any case, but there are those willing to give you a... home."
    A pause, then he adds. "Or a cave of your own?" As if searching for the right term. If Loki were watching he might be giggling at Thor's inability to truly communicate. Yet he's trying.
    "If naught else now you know that matters proceed apace, and you will not be forgotten." A step back is taken, likely taking his leave soon.
Gunna Sijurvald Behind Troll's back she fingers her new toy, eager to get back to playing with it. The fact that a shiny toy is more important to her than the visit of an Asgardian Lord is a sign of how awesome a tire iron can be when you've never played with one before I suppose, but that's not truly relevant to this particular story.

Still, the Lord steps back. She takes a half-step forward when he does, uncertain exactly why, but fairly sure that she's missing something important. Something she'll regret if it's missed. And then it's gone and she has this hollow empty feeling inside, and pulls out her chew toy and looks at it a moment, still in the corner of Thor's vision.

She seems sad somehow, as if she's more aware than she was when he arrived. Less of an animal? Perhaps.

"Troll be here," she says, though she does not raise her voice. And that, right there, is the best answer he's ever gotten. Because she sounds like she wants him to come back.