ID State Owner Title Description
4476 Finished Gunna Sijurvald Busting Out A major prison break ends with Troll escaped from jail, many people hurt, and a lot of confusion. I have no idea what I'm typing at this point, but it was amusing. Thank you to everone involved! Scene two of two.
4289 Finished Gunna Sijurvald Patience Thor visits Gunna in the dungeon and offers her freedom in exchange for her oath, an honest attempt to become Asgardian. Yeah no.
4010 Finished Gunna Sijurvald Conjugal Visit Amora visits the newest prisoner of the Raft, Troll. They speak, in a fashion. Threats, blood, and an understanding.
3905 Finished Gunna Sijurvald Trolls in Oklahoma Trolls attack a small town, and the group who comes to help is capable of the task. Grisly remains are found, and a girl with an axe.