ID State Owner Title Description
17608 Finished Jennifer Walters A Stilted Interview Jennifer Walters has a surprisingly touching interview with her one (1) paralegal prospect after a disastrous encounter with one (1) Stilt-Man. Ruth doesn't know MUCH about the law, but that's okay -- the power of prophecy has led her to the one lawyer in the universe who hires based on feels.
17447 Finished Jennifer Walters Terror Tuxedos on Trivia Night Tuesdays?! She-Hulk tries to do a theme night with her best bud Captain Marvel. It goes about as well as you might expect.
17213 Paused Jennifer Walters Rooftop Reveries
17083 Paused Jennifer Walters It's All in the Cards
15843 Finished Jennifer Walters Cakes in Fancy Dresses It's Wednesday, which means Patsy and Jennifer are out to eat cakes in fancy dresses. Which they do! The waitstaff get in on it and their server is in a tux.
15221 Finished Jennifer Walters Coffee and cakes! Patsy and Jen meet up at Cafe Lalo to eat a spot of lunch and have tiramisu.
14903 Finished Jennifer Walters Just some stuff in the kitchen Greer and Jen get a chance to catch up.
14710 Finished Jennifer Walters It's Patsy! (and Jen) (Flashback to 2018) Jennifer goes to hire Patsy for a job, but they're interrupted by a robbery! Who is this mysterious Hellcat?
14120 Finished Jennifer Walters Indecent Exposure of the Furry Kind No description
13963 Finished Jennifer Walters Fantastic Friends! No description
12459 Finished Jennifer Walters HULK SMA-- well okay not so much smash as spar Marcy and Jen do a bit of sparring and weapons training, and then there's a bit of locker room talk.
11142 Finished Jennifer Walters bruce No description
11125 Finished Jennifer Walters Small Claims Court The Atom finds Jennifer Walters and her latest client stranded on a Micro World after her client's failed attempt to escape his trial via extreme shrinking.
10869 Finished Jennifer Walters Seriously Complicated Feelings Mary 'Titania' McPherran visits her former foe's office to dress her down for the grave sin of sending a bad DM.
8114 Finished Jennifer Walters Just chatting in the kitchen over a beer Jennifer and Cael catch up in the kitchen and have a talk about Cael's superhero secret identity. What do you mean she doesn't have one? That's what they're talking about!
7150 Finished Jennifer Walters Something something Manor something I'll rename this later No description
6481 Finished Jennifer Walters Fuzzy hugs! Greer and Jenn meet up at the mansion and have a fun little talk, complete with fuzzy hugs and hulk hugs.
6211 Finished Jennifer Walters An afternoon visit No description
6145 Finished Jennifer Walters Catching Up With a Cat Jen and Greer catch up at the mansion and do a little hot tubbing.
5976 Finished Jennifer Walters Of Ancient Gods and Androids Diana comes over to the Avenger's mansion for a visit, and meets Jennifer there. They have tea and talk about everything from ancient Japanese gods, to Themyscira to AI rights.
5787 Finished Jennifer Walters A tour of the Mansion Jen brings Katsumi to the Mansion to show her around and to meet some of her fellow Avengers. They meet Hank, which is close enough, and his friend Mike. They talk about Katsumi's powers and give a couple of things a try, but don't come any closer to understanding the mystery.
5157 Finished Jennifer Walters Stare Into the Orb Jennifer invites Dr. Druid over to help figure out what's going on with Katsumi.
5072 Finished Jennifer Walters Another You: Interrogating a Hulk Carol and Melinda interrogate DoppleJen to find out who was really behind the destruction of Times Square. They find out some interesting tidbits of information.
5012 Finished Jennifer Walters A Fantastic Favor Jen works up the courage to ask Reed for help in being able to change back to Jennifer Walters. Reed does SCIENCE! and she and Johnny banter.
4721 Finished Jennifer Walters Another You: GAMMA WOMMAN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION Doppleganger Jennifer Walters goes on a rampage in Times Square, doing major property damage and scaring the heck out of tourists. A rag tag bunch of heroes show up to stop her before she manages to kill someone.
4686 Finished Jennifer Walters Training Montage! Katsumi teaches Jennifer the basics of officiating a wrestling match, and tries very much to not be intimidated by her.
3906 Finished Jennifer Walters Mimosas and Police Scanners Dr. Strange ends up visiting She-Hulk for a while. They imbibe some supernatural whiskey and have a good conversation.
3429 Finished Jennifer Walters The Match of the Century The Thing and She-Hulk have an epic wrestling match for charity! By the end, the stage was destroyed and everybody had a good time.
3007 Finished Jennifer Walters Let's Talk About Moose and Squirrel After the incident with the Russian Consulate Jennifer rushes over to Hank and Nadia's place to keep them in the loop as to what is going on. Donuts were eaten.
2971 Finished Jennifer Walters Fun in the Sun Some time in the sun with She-Hulk.
2413 Finished Jennifer Walters All work and no play makes Jennifer a something something something something Kyani stops by Jen's office to give the overworked attorney a much needed break.
1445 Finished Jennifer Walters The Hulk needs bail money! Super Lawyer saves the day and Bruce/Jennifer have a chatty chat.
1098 Finished Jennifer Walters The talk in the rain Jennifer talks to Thor and convinces him to help charity.
1072 Finished Jennifer Walters Is it a business lunch? The Coach makes plans with the Green Team